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3 Tips for Cute and Animated Type 1 Nails

A fun way to explore all the possibilities of color and design—and sparkle!

Nails are so much fun!

As a Type 1, nails open up an endless amount of possibilities—which you naturally love. There’s acrylic, gel, stickers, patterns, stencils, tape, colors, shapes, and more!

Here at DYT, we’ve come to find that there are probably two kinds of nail people: those that do, and those that don’t. These tips are for those of you who “do,” and for those in the “don’t” category that want to venture out into something fresh and new.

Type 1 energy is light, bright, animated, and fresh! It moves upward and sees all the possibilities with a creative, fresh perspective.

Type 1 shapes are circles, hearts, and star points.

Let’s see how you can incorporate all of these into your nails!

3 Quick Tips for Animated and Fun nails

1. Choose a method to your nail madness.

Here are the pros and cons of each method—with your fun-loving and quick Type 1 movement in mind!

Top Coat, AKA “plain old nail polish”

Pros: You can change it up more often! It’s DIY which makes it the cheapest option available.

Cons: It doesn’t last long, can be messy, chips easy, and can take some time to apply. And don’t get us started on painting your dominant hand! That poor thing always looks worse than the other hand. (Unless you’re ambidextrous, lucky!)

Acrylic or Gel

Pros: Lasts longer, more durable, you get to sit in a comfy chair as someone pampers you.

Cons: More of a financial and time investment and commitment because you’ll need to get regular fills to keep them up. Also requires more effort to remove them yourself.

Pink Type 1 nails with glitter

Doris shares: “So many ideas- not enough time (or fingers)!! I honor my Type 1 by not choosing colors that are not my type or heavier, chunky glitters. I use gel or dip because I can’t sit around long enough for lacquer to dry. And there has to be sparkle!”


Pros: Umm… they’re FUN! You can add so much random, light, joy and animation to your nails in the form of a pattern or design! Just like you do with your outfits. Or your accessories!

Cons: If you do them yourself, it takes time. And if you get them done at a salon they’re considered add-ons and cost more money.

Type 1 Expert, Jaleah, is a fan of everything! “Ever since I can remember I’ve always had some sort of something on my nails. Whether it’s a clear coat, or long acrylics with crazy patterns, and jewels. I’ve had it and loved it.

When I was in high school I would religiously repaint my nails every Sunday evening. I had a stencil kit so I’d choose a new stencil to use. My nails weren’t just painted, they were designed!

In college I went with an easier route and kept fresh polish on my nails. I also went through a fun phase with acrylic nails. I’ve worn them loooong, and loved it!”

2. Choose a shape!

You can create even more options by filing your nails into a different shape if you feel like it! All of these shapes will come up in a quick Google search. There are a few that are true to your Type 1 design lines.

Round: Round nails are a popular favorite! And it works so well for you since Type 1’s are notorious for having circles in their facial features and in their patterns.

Type 1 round nails

Lucy says, “I love my nails rounded and cute!”

(PS: We love them too!)

Square: Square nails are extremely popular right now, and you may be curious to try it out yourself. Just keep in mind that “square” isn’t a Type 1 shape, so try to round the edges more to keep it from looking too sharp or straight.

Almond: My next favorite, and a new style. It’s similar to round, but it creates a sharper point.

Stiletto: It might not be for everyone. It’s a newer style too. It’s a star point, which could be fun!

3. Pick your color.

Find the perfect colors for you by using your Style Guide! Ask yourself: are they tints? We have a full series on helping you determine your Type 1 colors! Here’s a refresher on your Type 1 Tints.

Here are some fun Type 1 colors to get you started:

Type 1 nails - pink and flowers

From Tiffany, who shares: “Over the last year I have really started having fun with my nails. One of my favorites were my Christmas nails and I even did Disney nails for a Disney World trip. Fun nails make me smile!”

Let’s see your fresh Type 1 nails!

If you’re a “do” girl when it comes to nails, let’s see ’em! Post your picture in the comments below.

If you’re a “don’t” girl, are you becoming a “maybe I’ll try it” girl? What’s calling your name?

Share with the rest of us what you’re going to try!

Nails can be a fun way to personalize your style and become an accessory. But don’t stop there! Get even more accessories for your Type in the DYT Online Store!

Shop Type 1 accessories in the DYT Store!

P.S. There’s more than one way to use nail polish. Find out how you can use it to refashion jewelry!

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