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How to Live True to Your Type 1/4 or Type 4/1 Energy Combination

How to create a joyful and grounded life!

Ever feel at odds within yourself?

Are you a Type 1/4 or 4/1 Energy Type? Ever feel at odds within yourself? I understand as the movement of these Energy Types are opposite!

You have Type 1 Energy that is upward and light and Type 4 Energy that is reflective and still.

Join me and my Experts, Type 1/4 Jaleah, and Type 4/1 Kalista as we explore the variables of these inverse Energy combinations including the benefits and challenges. I’m sure you will relate to their experiences and stories!

(Still unsure of your Secondary Type? How to Confirm Your Secondary Type — 3 Clues to Look For)

How to live true to your dominant and draw on the strengths of your secondary with your Type 1 and Type 4 Energies:

    • (01:22) What are the common challenges of the secondary Type 1 Energy and Type 4 Energy Types? And how can you be sure that your Dominant Type is leading and your Secondary stays in a supporting role?
    • (05:38) Why defining your values and boundaries opens up communication and builds confidence.
    • (08:30) Time and task management tips that help you stay on track while still having fun.
    • (10:58) What it looks like to nurture your secondary energy.
    • (14:03) How you connect with the world: Social vs. Intellectual.
    • (14:55) Tips to support your dominant energy and keep it leading.

What do you relate to the most? How do you honor your secondary energy without letting it overrun your dominant energy?

More support for this Energy Combination:

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  1. Hello Kalista, Jaleah and Carol!
    Thank you for your discussion of these energy combinations. I find it useful and recognize myself there, too:-)
    I am a 1/4 person, grew up in an environment with strong Type 4 influence, live with a 2/4 husband and 4/3 son – i.e. the Type 4 energy has been very strong all along in my life. Since May last year, when I first discovered DYT, I’ve been able to give more room to the Type 1 energy in me, to welcome it and consciously support this side of me, re-balancing the role of the two types of energy in my life.
    Still, the “serious/deep-thinking” side has been such a well-established pattern that it’ll take some more time for my lighter self to be fully present:-) I do notice that wearing Type 1 tints supports the lightness & vividness in me and causes people to look at me. In Germany, where I live, these colors are pretty unusual, especially in winter.
    The Type 4 energy makes me reliable & thoughtful, yet it sometimes slows me down too much, because it is (still) too much in control of my spontaneity…

    1. Thank you for sharing Colette! As time goes by and you are striving to live your truth, the Type 4 will settle into it’s most supportive role. Give yourself time, and know the journey you’re on is necessary, and it doesn’t have to all work perfectly right now. Thank you for being brave!

    2. Thank you Colette! I do experience that too a lot. I’m so excited to understand now why I get so heavy sometimes as I’ve just discovered my secondary Type 4

  2. Thanks jaleah for your encouraging words about getting your energies to work together. As a 2/3, I need to find that balance. I agree that the whole world comes together for you when you discover your secondary energy. I appreciate the work you all do!

    1. I am so glad you have found that comfort! It really makes the biggest difference knowing the secondary, and then letting it al harmozine. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you so much for this video! Jaleah, I love what you said about the two energies sometimes seeming bipolar because they are so opposite. I’ve beaten myself up for those “swings” over the years, telling myself I need to pick a side. Now I know that it’s just my T4/S1 energy doing it’s thing! What a relief! I really do appreciated my serious, deep thinking nature, and my ability to cut loose and be silly and fun when it’s appropriate. I love DYT!

    1. Awesome!! I am so glad! It was a revelation to me, also. Now I am grateful for my secondary Type 4’s grounding force, and I know I can all on it anytime I need it. I love DYT too!!

      1. I’m so happy in my T1. I feel like it is me. My facial features are more T4. I have an oval face shape, symmetrical but have the circles in my cheeks and nose. My hands are small as well. I feel more T1 dominant but my face is telling me something else. Do I go with my gut or my face shape? I would love to hear your opinion.

  4. Wowza!! I have known about DYT for years and have dipped in and out all along the way. I NOW KNOW WHY….I’m a 1/4 not a 1/2….That is probably why i have never felt completely comfortable with the way I was DYT. To tell you the truth, I didn’t even read the type 4 part in the book because I pegged myself as a 1/2 or a 2/1 right away. I’m going to go back and read about my secondary and really start living my truth! 🙂 I really just did have the sun come out and the heavens open up!!!! Thanks for this clip. I can’t believe I have never realized this. It all makes sense!!! That’s what I get for not reading the whole book and jumping around! HA HA HA! 😉 Thanks Ladies!!!

  5. Will you all be re-posting the 1/2 – 2/1 video? If not, will you be recording a new video (since Michelle is no longer a 2/1)?

  6. I am a 1/4. This video was super helpful to me too! I feel my type 4 energy has me trying to perfect things, learn everything I can learn about a topic when all my type 1 energy just wants to be free, live in the moment, be spontaneous and have fun!!!!!!! I have felt bipolar too. Feel a bit freer with this added awareness. I can create a balanced experience when I embrace and accept all of me.

  7. I agree Kalista. As a 4/1, I must give myself permission to “play.” When I do play for a bit, I feel rejuvenated and motivated to juggle all my usual Type 4 responsibilities.

  8. I recently purchased the Type 1, but still have this feeling that I may be wrong. I know that I am still either 4/1 or 1/4. I just don’t have the bubbly, outgoing feeling of a 1. I need my alone time as well. A few weeks ago, I wore a black outfit to work. Even before DYT, I was avoiding it. I was a hairstylist for 15 years and SO sick of black. So, it really caught me off guard to have several people tell me how nice I looked that day, in black. Ugh…confused.

  9. I’ve been living as a 1/4 with DYT for almost 4 years now and every now and then I question…am I am 4/1? The inner struggle is so intense sometimes with the 2 energies, often with the 4 winning out and me pouting lol I was also raised by a T4 mom. It brought a great deal of stress to my life and only recently have I been really intentional to give my dominant energy permission to be who I am. Watching Jaleah and Kalista together DEFINITELY sealed the deal that I am a dominant T1. No way could I sit that erect with a poised smile on my face!! Their expressions were so clear. I loved seeing that and it was very “grounding” as they said. I am the exact opposite of Kalista, I am running amuck all day trying to have even one moment of structure! The other thing I love is when Marcy talks about hiring someone else to do it. I LOVE that! I finally got a housekeeper because I just can’t do EVERYTHING (I homeschool too), I get my husband to grocery shop as much as possible and for real, I would not feel guilty hiring it all out! It so boooooring! HA! How’s that for Type 1!

  10. This finally made DYT make sense to me! I had looked at the initial videos twice and thought I must be some kind of mutant because I am most comfortable dressing like a 4 but I have a creative bent on overdrive. I’m an artist and graphic designer with a constant stream of creative ideas driven by an uber reliable/responsible side that never lets up or allows me to fail. I can’t mow a lawn or walk through a grocery store in a linear way because of where my eyes take me. I just realized, too, that a group of 4 women I’ve known for about 30 years and get together a few times a year, represents all 4 types with our primary types…DYT helps me be more aware of just why and what I appreciate so much about all of them but none of it has anything to do with the way they dress. If Dress Your Truth had been called Live Your Truth and emphasize what’s on our insides rather than our outsides, I would’ve been hooked WAY earlier. Just so not into clothes and make-up, I guess…so I’ll stay tuned for more videos about our insides! 😉

    1. I can relate….I am a civil engineer and enjoy the analytical side of things…but not the cook book calculations, anyone can follow a recipe! I like the challenging problems, the variety, where each is a unique problem out in the world and each has a different solution or fix. I am detail oriented and very thorough, and often spend a lot of time researching and gathering info on new topics, tasks and especially purchases before diving in. And yet I am artsy – fartsy and love to be creative and make things…but when I do they have to be perfect! And i am always open to try new things, new adventures. I am so animated and talkative and naturally outgoing that people, my husband especially, will ask what’s wrong when I am quite or introspective because they think I am angry, or sad, or not feeling well. So maybe I lead with T1 after all? TO BE DETERMINED….

  11. The 4/3 and 3/4 combo video is under promoted. Please consider adding that link. Repeating here because the link also belongs on this page.

    1. It has not yet been re-published on this site. It was previously published on my blog, and we are in the process of moving some of the most popular blog content to this site. The 3/4, 4/3 combo video is scheduled to be published on this site on 5/25, at that time it will be added to the list on all the posts in this series.

  12. I’m still working on identifying which energy is naturally dominant and/or which one has had to become dominant but honestly, I am so equally both a T4 and a T1 that it’s more confusing than affirming or encouraging – not knowing how to find a good balance between the two in practical daily life.
    The T4 style is too slick and refined (I LOVE having fun, curly hair with lots of body, yes, a straight ‘do looks nice, but it’s not “ME”) and the strong colors and stripes I’ve always gravitated to, yet I love the floating, carefree style of my T1. I am curious to know how to chose “style” when it comes to a combo 4/1. I was hoping they’d address this in the video.

    1. I’m this way too! I feel 50/50 with my 1/4 or 4/1 combo, when I dress full t4 feels too serious and stiff and a full t1 fels childish and overwhelming. My t1 tries to have fun with this but my t4 wants me to pick a side and stick to it, I feel weird just being “in the middle” of the two types. I hope you address this dilemma 🙂

    2. Tara, when you get that answer please share. I feel the same way and your comment sounded like you were talking about me. Amazing; when i thought I was the only one feeling this way. I purchased the program over a year ago but have been so confused, that I put it away. As of today, I think I’ve nailed my type down to a T4/T1 combo. I agree with you on the hair and clothing dilemma and not knowing what to wear (I have a closet full of all colors/styles with nothing to wear – it’s annoying). Also, what about jewelry, shoes, etc? As you’ll see by my profile pic, my hair is colored because of so much gray, but now that i feel sure of my type, I don’t know what color to go with. I know the present color hasn’t been comfortable for some time now, but it’s just easy to keep what I’m used to. I’d love some input from others that feel like I do.

      1. there is a video on personal style bringing in your secondary that shows just how to do this. personalize your style.

  13. Wow! This was my ah-ha moment. When I first started with DYT I thought I was a 2 but that just felt uncomfortable to me. After viewing some Verify Your Type videos from Carol, I realized that my primary was a 4 which felt much more true, and I assumed 2 was my secondary, but that just never felt quite right either. I just disregarded T1 because I’m not a super social person (and even disregarded several physical attributes that point to T1). But after watching this video, I KNOW I am a 4/1. My world is now in perfect focus. No wonder I identify with Kalista so much!

  14. I am a T/1/4 combo. Now that I have found Energy Types I take comfort. When I’m in my T4 mode people ask me if there’s something wrong. Before I knew about my energy type I use to automatic become upset and depressed thinking something IS wrong with me. That voice in my head asks why am I so quiet, why am I so withdrawn, what’s wrong with me? Now I know I’m being true to my T/4 and nothing is wrong with me at all. I’m understanding that I’m just being quiet observing and thinking deeply.

    1. I’m a Type1 with a secondary 4 also, and I too would be living too much in my secondary and people would ask if something was wrong! It’s like they could see that I wasn’t matching my true nature where I couldn’t. Being quiet and observing situations, like you and Jaleah mentioned here, is perfectly fine as a Type1, it’s when I remain there and don’t return to Type1 that it becomes a problem.

      1. Very good point Kate! It is about finding that balance that works the best for any given day or situation. I just realized reading your post that if I do stay in my T4 mode to long it can backfire on me and I start feeling down. I’ve always known that when I start to feel to withdrawn and get bummed out getting together with friends and or going out and about and having fun always snaps me out of my funk. I see that this is letting my T1 back into my day!
        Great food for thought – thanks!

  15. This SO finally makes sense to me! I had trouble decided which type I was because more than one aspect of each type spoke to me. I gravitated to type one because that’s what I thought I was as a child: always wanting to have fun and make people happy. However, I am more introverted and though talkative, I get more anxious around bigger groups of people (I much rather be one on one to really focus) and prefer to sit back and observe others. I am very much the “responsible one”, take things very seriously, feel things very deeply, and as I’m writing this, I can’t help but edit it so it’s exactly what I want to say. I didn’t consider being a four at first because all of the cold ice images and mountains are not my thing. I prefer flowers and the warm beaches, probably because they act as a reminder to “lighten up and have fun”. If I’m honest about my childhood and even now, I am constantly lost in thoughts, over analyze things, and was always very mature for my age. The fashions were also a bit confusing because I cannot stand button up shirts that are stiff; they make me feel suffocated. I need the lighter, flowing fabrics. Then I also can’t wear pastels or bright oranges and yellows. They are either too blah or too bright/loud. I’m much more into jewel tones such as sapphire blue, emerald or kelly greens, royal purple, and ruby red. I am an idea person and very creative in art, theatre, and dance, which led me to think I was a type one. I believe the process of how I’m creative speaks to my type four dominance. I have to have a clear image of what I want to create in my head before I allow myself to get started, I have to plan for it a little because I don’t want to make mistakes. I don’t like to completely plan it because there should be some room for discovery (my type 1). I haven’t taken a dance class in a few years, but I think that experience is what really confirms who I am: I was given feedback that my choreography was too symmetrical, too slow and sustained, that I needed to find places to speed things up, that asymmetry is more interesting. Oh that felt so weird when I tried dancing that way and explained why I didn’t like Modern Dance as well as Ballet or Lyrical. I had a fellow choreographer whom I can now say was extremely type one. She was always high energy, smiling (she would brighten up a room by simply being there and I enjoyed that about her), and she even choreographed a piece to “Flight of the Bumblebee” which was very fast and chaotic. Watching her would wear me out after a while, so I know I’m not as type one as that. Though I love acting in theatre as does my husband, I am not as comfortable as an improviser as he is, and I have more of a talent for directing because I am big picture oriented. Now that I understand the types more, I think I can say my son is type 1/4 while I’m 4/1, and my husband is a 1/3 (way more social and entertaining, less analytical, but very action oriented, likes to get things done). I love them both so much because they make life an adventure and make me laugh, but sometimes I need quiet time to relax and decompress.

  16. One of the trait in Type 4 is I do not identify with is the planning… I hate planning and it sucks all my energy when I have to do it. On the otherhand I love strategy, problem solving, being able to structure complex problems, recognize patterns, synthesize information etc.. A trait in Type 1 I identify v much with is: seeing all the possibilities … without the follow-through. And although I have type 4 facial features, I also have the apple cheeks, round tip of the nose, smiling eyes.

  17. oh. And I am a perfectionist… and can be quite critical (which is often incorrectly labelled as judmental).

  18. oh! And although I need time alone, I also love being with people. That is not stressful for me.

  19. Hi Jaleah!

    Thanks for reminding me that the Type4 could very easily take over the Type1 and be the parent. It happens too often to me at this time in my life where I am completing my degree. Being the 1/4 that I am, I needed to hear that and keep my leading energy type my leading energy type… What an eye opener!!

  20. I noticed that there is no video discussing how to live true to your Type 4/3. I know that I am a dominant Type 4, but I am unsure if I am a secondary T3 or T2. Is it possible to be a T4/3?

  21. This was interesting watching this video for the second time since discovering DYT.

    Initially when I bought the course I wrongly typed myself as a Type 2 because that was mainly the type in which I was already living. I realized a few weeks later, after basically obsessing over DYT and voraciously consuming any information I could about the types, that Type 2 was wrong for me. I knew it didn’t feel right and realized that I had slipped into type 2 behaviour and dress in a subconscious attempt to not stand out in a new and uncomfortable environment. I had married into a much more conservative family and community than my previous family and community, as well as moving over 1500 miles to where my husband lived. I started looking at photos from a few years before when I felt my most confident and realized that my hairstyle and clothes both mainly expressed Type 4. When I started wearing Type 4 colours again I instantly felt more confident and also received many compliments. Thankfully I had hung on to all my black clothes as I couldn’t bear to part with them. Even when I thought I was a Type 2 I still felt like black was a colour that looked good on me and that I felt most confident wearing.

    Naturally, when I realized I was a Type 4, I thought that 2 must be my secondary, since I’d originally typed myself as a 2. That has not entirely sat right with me though, and the thought that I may be a secondary 1 has kept popping up in the back of my mind, especially recently. Watching this video for the second time, the Type 4/1 really clicked with me. I also love to schedule out my day but find that I can easily become distracted from it if I am not careful. I do have a lighter side that comes out when I am comfortable and I find that if I don’t plan scheduled times to have a little fun or don’t find a way to work some fun into my tasks then I can easily tire out. I do enjoy social settings for a short period of time and I can tap into that light side of myself when I socialize but I have to be sensitive to my need to have lots of quiet time alone between social activities or I will quickly burn out. I’m looking forwards to paying more attention to myself and noticing more of my secondary now that I am fairly sure what it may be.

  22. This was so perfect for me! I bought the type 1 course about a year ago and returned it after a month because I didn’t want to be “put in a box” the way I thought I was. I was fairly confident that I was a type 1, but I HATED the idea of looking silly and overly juvenile. I liked the colors on my card, and usually choose similar colors (though never yellow, ha!) but I just felt silly when I wanted to be classy and simple, but fun. The DYT life has infiltrated my brain though, and I just can’t get it out, so I keep coming back. Lately, I’ve discovered that I am a 1/4, but my type 4 has taken over. I feel like a helium balloon at a birthday party, one that has a table weight attached to it. Out of nerves, or culture, or upbringing, or whatever, I’ve shortened the balloon’s string so much that I don’t have much room to fly. I’m learning to give myself permission to lengthen the string and fly, knowing that I’m still grounded and secure. Thanks for these videos!

    1. The balloon is a great analogy that also explains how I feel. With my upbringing and earlier marriage. my T4 had taken over completely and I have been totally out of balance for years. It brings me great joy to now be confirmed as a T1 and have the permission to be more fun and light. I bought the T2 course last year, but started feeling heavy, frumpy and depressed most of the time when I dressed as T2. After attending Carol’s June live makeover event it was brought to my attention that I am most definitely NOT a T2. I am now learning how to be a more expressive T1, while allowing my T4 to keep my grounded. I am a much happier camper now!!!! Thank you Carol for sharing your many gifts and talents with the world.

    2. Gosh, Kristi, this really struck a chord with me. Originally I typed myself as a Type 1 but before they’d even sent me the materials I asked for a change to Type 4. Then overnight I backflipped and asked for Type 1 again!
      When I received the stuff, I loved the colours but when it came to the clothes, I just felt as though it was too silly, too girlie for me. So I only bought a couple of pieces of clothes in type 1 – mostly accessories – and just wore whatever I had at the time (mostly blacks, olive/khaki green). I lost momentum and went on with my life.

      I forgot about DYT for ages, then all of a sudden a couple of months ago it popped back into my brain and I thought I had the revelation that I’m a Type 3. So I went all out this time, buying Type 3 clothes in the right styles and colours. It felt SO right at first – more ‘grownup’, and I’d always thought that those colours suited me (even though deep down I feel a bit upset at the ‘dirtiness’ of them all – it’s like I begrudgingly accepted my lot in life, that I have to make do with brown, even though brown kinda gets me down).

      Anyway, I was happy for about a month, full of energy and determination… but then I started noticing how heavy I felt. The chunky necklaces I bought at op-shops suddenly felt like huge annoying weights around my neck, and it felt like a chore to wear them, so I got rid of them.

      Tossing them out coincided with a big decluttering of my life – the more I threw away, the lighter and happier I felt. Even with my furniture – I’ve felt a frustration at the heaviness of my big solid wooden bookcase (which is brown stained pine), and I just don’t want to be weighed down by that sort of thing anymore.

      So here I am now realising that I’m probably a Type 1/4 who has been living primarily through her Type 4 for MANY YEARS. I mean, since the age of probably about 3. So serious and overthinking. And very very depressed during a lot of my time… BUT at the same time, the light bubbly one of my friends, the talented actress, so skilled at talking to anyone in a social setting. A director once called me his ‘little lightbulb’.

      So now I’m watching the Type 1 videos again and trying not to squirm at the thought of me wearing the girlie Type 1 stuff. Small floral prints? I could do a bold 60s retro floral, maybe. I cant imagine EVER wanting to wear that ‘signature’ light mint green…

      Thanks for listening to me ramble. I was very taken with your balloon analogy and I want you to know that I relate so much it hurts. I still don’t know how to balance my 1/4 to be healthy. I feel very isolated in my life right now, and I desperately crave more social activities and interactions, but I also feel too scattered to be able to make plans for myself. I feel genuinely stuck and it’s very frustrating and upsetting.

      1. I totally get that about the furniture! I was sitting here in bed the other night, thinking my winter craft will be sanding down the brown dresser and side tables and painting them white! Re the light mint green: I remember making a summer dress exactly that colour (little flowers of white on the green background) with white piping, and a matching bolero 40 odd years ago as part of my dressmaking course at school! Loved it then, but now? Euw! LOL

    3. That balloon image is beautiful! Thank you for that. I am going to picture that when I notice my S4 yanking back my Type1.

  23. The newest version of the course gave me the A-HA that I’m a 1/4 – I’m an extroverted good and optimist, but also a nerd, an editor, and analyzer (and my bf would say over-thinker) and it all came together. It seemed odd to me (as a VERY T1-ish T1) that I sometimes needed such *absolute* quiet and stillness. (My favorite spot is my BF’s couch – no pets, no kids, no family, no housemates.) And that is priceless! Thank you, ladies!

  24. I think I am a 1/4 energy combination, but the more I read about type 3 energy, so much of that resonates with me. Are 1/4 tendencies similar to type 3 or do you think I have mistyped myself? This is driving me crazy!!

    1. Hey there!! I’m still learning as well but gave you considered that you may be a 4/1. I’ve heard that 4/1’s appear to be a 3 at times!

    2. Oh my goodness, you are going through the same dilemma as me! I thought I was a 1/4, then I thought I was a 3… and after about a month and a half of living (and dressing) Type 3, I’m now thinking I was right in the first place and that I’m a 1/4. (But when I initially typed myself that way, I didn’t actually really dress properly for Type 1. Guess I’ve gotta give it another shot!)

      Good luck to you working it out!

  25. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for this great interview. And thanks Kalista and Jaleah. It was helpful to hear your stories. Now that I’m letting my Type 1 loose in the playground (so to speak) I find myself less focused, so I appreciate my secondary type 4 that keeps me from flying away like a runaway balloon! The thing I’m not thrilled about with a Type 4 secondary is that normally I’m super loving and my heart is just exploding with encouragement and laughter and joy. And then occasionally, I’ll start noticing how everyone’s grammar is bad, or they mispronounce words, or they’re just too stupid to talk and someone should stop them from being idiots. See? This shocks people and is uncomfortable and embarrassing at times. Any suggestions?

  26. My friend Luna has been doing this far longer than I have. I think I am a 4/3 and she is insistent that I am Type 1. It took me forever to figure out the 4. Literally ruminating over it for 5 months. She says
    “Ruddy is a t1 trait, deep lines and hard angles are 3. You got an upturned nose, round cheeks, high girly voice. You know you best but physical features are more telling than personality which can often be a result of our upbringing and lives.” Help?

    1. From your Disqus profile picture I struggle to see how your friend can find any ruddiness or deep lines in your face! Your skin looks porcelain and your face seems very symmetrical. Yes, you’ve got a bit of a roundness to your nose, but our features aren’t always 100% one type, we are a mix of all four types, of course.

      I’d say you know yourself best. Is your energy naturally outgoing or inward? It’s not about personality, which is so influenced by our surroundings/upbringing/culture. It’s about our ENERGY, our natural way of BEING.

      All the best 🙂

      1. I have been trying like heck to upload a more recent pic!
        She modified her assessment after I explained how I got to 4 with the Pro and Con list that I made for all of the different types.The pro and con list should have been the clincher. I have rosacea that I keep in check (and my skin’s mood changes DAILY!) so I have the redness that comes when I do activities or are having hormonal shifts. But it’s porcelain when I am not pushing myself to do more than I am capable of.

        I have figured out that I am more of an inward type person, who has that odd secondary 3 that forces myself out of my own shell. I would be happy being completely silent for days if I didn’t have a family that needed me to use my words. 😉

        1. Might I suggest you watch all of the Type4 videos that are available, and in doing so it may either deeper resinate that that is you, or help clarify that it is not. When I started DYT over a year ago I thought I was a Type4, but after watching Type Talks with the beauty experts and the Colormania videos, etc I knew that that just was NOT me. I thought I was analyzing and scrutinizing my facial features and body expressions much like a Type4 but really I wasn’t. I was seeing all of the possibilities that I was maybe another type. Hello, Type1!!

  27. Some many ‘a-ha moments’ in the last few days! I’ve been running in circles of stress trying to pin down my type. I tried T2 for a while but felt dull and dragged down. So moved to T4 but just could be the still and stylish women that I wanted to be, just couldn’t do the make up and the black just sat on top of me. So I thought about trying T1 (which I had dismissed totally with a strong revulsion), wasn’t looking forward to trying out T1 because I had misunderstood the ‘Soul of the Party’, I saw T1’s as high energy, loud, and silly. But re-watching the vloggs, re-reading the books, and talking online to other DYT angels, I realized I’d totally misunderstood the T1 energy. Even though I re-evaluated the information, I still felt that I wasn’t energetic enough and was waiving between 1/2 or 2/1. It was when I was watching the bringing in your secondary and Jeleah explained how she experiences the 1/4 energy that is her nature, and a big CLICK – light bulb on! So I decided to re-watch the 1/4 4/1 video to just confirm were I was going wrong in my own mind. It was the high energy that was tripping me up. I didn’t consider the tempering affect of the secondary. It’s okay for me to sit and listen, to take in the big picture before giving out my feelings. It’s okay for me to take quiet times to mull over stuff I’ve experienced and learnt. It’s okay for me to jump around madly, and then need to be quiet to recharge. It’s okay for me to accept the blessing that is 1/4. Thank you 😀

  28. Oh WOW! My AHA moment was just a few minutes ago. I was watching the dyt video on Type 1 handbags and LOVING Jaleah’s little flat gold wallet/and across the body bag and Nicole’s bright blue bag across the body, and resonating with the contents of both bags. Everything clicked, I’ve been dressing T1 for about 2 years now, but never could figure out my secondary, but always LOVED watching Jaleah’s videos, now I know why! Watching this video it’s continuing to click, the deeper more critical thinking, more serious behavior, or more sullen at times, and enjoying time at home being quiet. (I’ve often called myself an introverted extrovert) WOW! WOW! WOW! I’m doin the happy, happy dance!!!! I’m a 1/4 whoohooo!

  29. This is so helpful. I recently completed the energy profiling and dyt course for type 1. I identified most with type 1 as I have the physical features and its images resonated most with me. However, I’ve been living and dressing as a type 4 for years. It helped me adapt to become successful in my career and as a mom.

    I know 4 is my strong secondary and I was struggling to integrate both with 1 as dominant. The other videos featuring type 4 outfits still look so appealing to me.

    Does this mean I can wear some black or gray? 🙂

    1. The DYT program directs us to stay within our dominant Type’s style guide family (so for T1’s tints only) …and no borrowing T4’s black or T2’s gray. :/

  30. My world just got flipped upside down in a beautiful way. My sis in law (who we believe to be a 4-1) and I have been chatting about natures for months now. I was 100% convinced for THREE YEARS NOW that I am a 1-2. I am married to a 4-3. When I met Carol several years back, she knew I was a 1 and when I said that I couldn’t decide if I was a secondary 2 or 3, she said “That’s just the adaptable type 1 in you”. My sis in law kept trying to show me this video saying it was just as if her and I were sitting there being interviewed and SHE WAS RIGHT. I’m still a bit in shock, but I can relate to this 1-4 lady SO much. As a child and still to this day, I am bouncy, radiant, friendly, imaginative, outgoing, light and dreamy, BUT I was mature and a young age. I have always been grounded and reflective. Meditation is one of my favorite things to do because I love being in stillness. I’m still not 100% convinced, but I will be doing a lot more research. I am carefree, but I love making detailed plans. I love organizing, but only when I get the itch and I will organize and reorganize. I feel like I’m bipolar so often and I say that in all seriousness. It runs in my family. I need to be certain.

    1. I feel like you do, Kira. I know I’m a primary 1 with a possible 4 as my secondary, this time around. What I mean is: why not? I’ve typed myself as 1/2 and 2/1, 1/3 and 3/1 already. Why not try 1/4 or 4/1? I just need to be certain of my primary and secondary and I don’t feel comfortable not knowing for sure. I don’t have ‘gray areas’ in my life, it’s either black or white. I am a perfectionist, organize over and over again, a planner, hate surprises and detailed to the max, but I’m like you on the black. I hate it with a passion and feel it makes my porcelain skin look washed out. I also loathe red clothing, even though my hair is red. I’m the oldest daughter of a large family and my Mom and both sisters loved red when I was younger, so I was forced to wear it too. Also, I feel bipolar sometimes with DH, but I don’t want to be. I cry a lot, am very empathetic towards others, an extrovert and am ‘a people person’. But, there are times that I like to be alone with my headphones and me. I too, want to be certain.

      1. HI Brenda, my Type 1 friend. Please trust your Type 1 nature and no longer question it. You pattern of “Trying on different Types” is a Type 1 tendency. You cannot put yourself in to a Type! You just are who you are! Be yourself. Type 1’s do this as a part of their ability to be adaptable, so they think I have to try on this Type combo!

        1. Oh Carol, I just love you! You have a way of making everything make sense to me. Even though I’ve tried on the different combos, I know in my heart that I’m a Type 1. I’m just trying to find my secondary and not sure where it fits in. (T1/4 or T4/1, T1/2, etc.) I joined DYT a couple years ago and am so thankful for you and your program. It makes me understand why I am the way that I am and have adopted the phrase ‘it’s just my nature.’ Being the oldest child of a large family, I think, has caused me to be the responsible and decisive person that I am. Even though I’m not home with my six siblings anymore, I still feel like I need to be that person a lot of times. My DH is a gentle soul, procrastinates and leaves a lot of the decision making and responsibilities up to me. So, I fall into that secondary role quite easily but he reminds me when I’ve become ‘the bossy one’ of our marriage and I have to ‘calm down’ and be his partner instead of his boss. I (sometimes) appreciate his reminders and it keeps me ‘in check’ with myself. I love watching every video you’ve made and am going through the course again to specifically find my secondary. I believe it’s either 4 or 2 but having difficulty in finding the real differences. From what I’ve read: they are both decisive, detailed, planners, etc, but I thought you had a video with more specifics of each type that will tell me which secondary I am, 4 or 2. I’ve searched but can’t find it. Is there one just for that reason? Thanks so much for your encouragement, Carol. I feel honored that you took the time for me.

          1. Are you a Lifestyle member? I have a series on how to determine your secondary in Lifestyle.

          2. Oh yes, I am a Lifestyle member and truly love all the extras it has to offer. Maybe I’ve missed the series somehow or just looking in the wrong place. Could you point me to where it’s located? I’d be forever grateful and really love your program.

          3. Well, Carol, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that these videos confirmed my secondary to a ‘T.’ I am definitely a T1 with secondary 4. YAY!! I’m just thrilled to finally know for sure what type I am, once and for all. This may sound silly to you, but I’m sitting here with tears of joy running down my T1 cheeks. This is really emotional for me and all I can do is cry because it’s such a relief to know that my search is finally over. Today may just be one of the happiest days of my life so far. In less than 4 weeks from now, I’ll be having my 62nd birthday and I just knew I was going to be still down and sad about it all, on my birthday, of all things!! As you can probably tell already, it’s been a little depressing for me in my search for real joy and happiness, but right now, I just feel so blessed. I’m thankful for your personal attention and taking me under your wing until I finally ‘got it.’ You have been such a wonderful teacher and I want you to know how much I appreciate DYT. Now that I know my type for sure, I’ll be researching for more info on your website and in your books. I can finally Live and Dress My Truth with confidence! Have a wonderful day Carol and may God bless you and your family!

  31. I am pretty sure I am a 4/1 or a 1/4, but how do I tell which one I am?? I have been trying to figure out my type for awhile, so I feel lucky to have even come up with this idea! Haha! I can honestly see myself in all 4 types and just thought I was made up of a bunch of secondary’s, never leading with one type all the time! I also grew up with a type 4 mom, which has maybe influenced it a bit?

  32. I’m not a type 1. That leaves type 4. But I don’t like black (this is because of outer factors) and pink(it really does not suit my complexion, unless it is very dark, like red, wine, burgundy). Can I be a type 4 and wear the type 3 colors? (Tints hate me, def.)

  33. I’m realising that I’m a 1/4 but I have spent so much time in my secondary 4 that I kinda feel silly dressing more like a 1. Also, I realise that my sister is also a 1/4, but she has not only lived more true to her nature (except for dressing the colours – she wears a lot of non-Type 1 colours – she hasn’t heard of DYT – but her style is so random bright and varied, very Type 1). Anyway, when we were growing up, I was always the serious one, the sensible one. As I got older, I struggled a lot with depression and relationship issues. She, too, has had her issues, but has always been better at being her bubbly self, and she married her best friend, a wonderful man who she has lots of fun with. Me, I’ve had one failed relationship after another, and I know I have taken too much too seriously for too long. How do I embrace my Type 1 more without feeling like I’m being silly after all these years of being too serious, (or seeming like I’m trying to copy my sister)?

  34. Do you have a transcript for the 1/4, 4/1 clip? I’m having a hard time understanding what is being said because of the different mic set up.

  35. I had an emotional reaction to type 1 and I can see all the features of a type 1 in myself but I live my life as my secondary type 4. I can see how I’ve been pushed into that role for many years of having to be the responsible one. I’ve been diagnosed as bipolar and have really struggled with my health and learning about all this can help me see why now. There was a short period of time in highschool I was able to live my type 1 and my secondary 4 was complementary and that was the happiest time of my life. But I don’t know how to go back to that. I’ve spent most of my 40 years living as a type 4. I try to go out and have fun – I crave it like crazy- but I find i don’t know how to have fun anymore. I find I really struggle to find interest in things around me. How do you bring out a dominant energy that has never really been allowed in the first place, especially when you are surrounded by people who find bubbly T1s annoying?

  36. Is there any chance of re-doing this video??? I have a hard time hearing it with the sound. But I’d really love to watch it! I’ve been back & forth between 1/4, 1/2, & 4/1 for a while & these videos are super helpful!!!

    1. Not at this time. Please try using headphones if you are not able to clearly hear it through the audio speakers of the device you are using.

  37. Thank you ladies for helping me to get my AHA! moment with this video today. I’ve struggled for so long with finding my type, but as of this moment, I feel like it’s very clear for me and don’t know how I missed it for so long. While i watched this video, I had tears of joy running down my cheeks (the very emotional me) because I finally had clarity and the struggle was over. I had totally given up and put the program and all of its contents away, because I felt it was hopeless. Today, I went back through the course and Carol’s book again, thinking I’d missed something important. Now, I finally know that I’m so much of a T4, but also know that T1 is truly a part of who I am. Now — I do have a question about wardrobe, jewelry, makeup and hairstyle if anyone could advise. Which type do I choose now that I know? I don’t even own and absolutely detest black, red, orange and yellow, but love all other colors (especially the softer ones). Do I wear silver or gold colored jewelry? I feel so weighed down by any of these T4 colors and kind of depressed if I must wear one of them. I’m almost 62 years old and have people tell me all the time that I look much younger (a family trait). My profile picture shows me with red hair (covering lots of gray), but my natural color is very dark brown. Should I go back to that? The red has been uncomfortable for a few years now, but I don’t know what color to use, so I just keep the same color. Any help would be appreciated and thank you so much for this video. It is truly a blessing for me and I’m so thankful for all of you.

  38. OMG! I’m Kalista! Finally, I’ve figured out why I was so confused about my Type 4 personality. My secondary is Type 1! (My hubby is Type 1, too) I thought I was 4/2 but this clarifies SO much! It’s like a cloud has been lifted.

  39. I had a sort of ah-ha moment here when Jaleah and Carol were talking about how as a grown up your s4 takes over sometimes and I kept saying I wasn’t always like this. I feel much too serious. I saw the t3 whos not a t3 and who was a 2/1 or something like that and thought maybe that’s what is happening so I searched for 1/4 4/1 videos and found this one. I have been living as a 3 for a few months and felt weighed down after a while. I am hearing the High hopes song in my head! Oops their goes another rubber tree plant! Could I be a 1/4 that thought she was a 3? Let’s see!
    Oh joy I can go shopping for new stuff! woo hoo! (:@@@@@D = }i{

  40. This video was so helpful for me. I can now see that I had been letting my secondary type 4 “parent” my dominant, type 1. So much so, that I initially mistyped myself as a dominant type 4. Wow! This whole dyt process has been the answers I’ve been searching for all my life, and now I know to keep an eye on my t4 seriousness.

  41. Wonderful video! I DIY’d myself into a type 4/1. This is so helpful in knowing that my perfectionism is OK and not a negative. It’s actually a great gift. I always knew that! 🙂 Thank you so very much ladies.

  42. Sounds like a perfect pair of shorts. Lucky you!
    I haven’t shopped at those stores yet, but I’ll definitely be checking them out now, thanks!!

  43. Carol, is there something wrong with the microphones? I can hear you loud and clear. But the two girls I cannot hear at all.

    1. I had a similar experience. Listening on my iPhone with no headphones. Still able to hear the other two if I blasted the volume but then carols voice was soooo loud, it was a challenge. But I was so determined to watch this I made it work 🙂

      1. Please try using your headphones while listening. We have not had any other concerns from others with this video. Thank you.

  44. Thank you Jaleah! This helps me so much with my type 1/4 personality. I love that you have do do at least one fun thing each day. I totaly relate! My s4 serious days need a break or I just feel so off. Now I know why. I also love that you said when you embrace your type 1 and let your 4 ground you the experience is beautiful. That is an amazing way to describe it. I love it! I was in my type 4 for so so long. It drove me. I am consciously embracing my newfound Type1 and I’m in love. I’m more energetic, loving, accepting, peaceful and happy. I love now being able to hear the different types in the people around me. I can now say, “Oh, she’s a type 3, that’s why she does what she does. Oh, OK!! That’s great.” Thank you and Carole. My life is free now. Bless you both!

  45. I was very interested to see this particular vid, but had real problems hearing what Jaleah and Kalista were saying. Just getting old I think! LOL Could you either add subtitles or publish notes of what they said please? I would be ETERNALLY grateful! xxx

  46. OK, so I’m a 1/4. I know this. I’ve known from the get-go. So I have a lot of black shoes. I love to wear red shoes and silver and gold shoes. In fact, I have red boots I’m terribly fond of. But when I wear them I look a bit like Ronald McDonald. At least, that’s what my kids say. Also, sometimes when I’m shopping, I’ll reach for a print that I absolutely love. Size seems to matter. Some patterns just make me look like I’m wearing pyjamas. And no doubt, there are days when I’d be happy to negotiate the world in my pyjamas. But I seem to need the touches of 4, especially the shoes, for grounding. I really like black outlines, black pops, and black stripes. I know I can’t wear black alone. I like denim too, and I’d prefer a denim trench-coat to a beige one, which is what I have. I never wear the beige coat with the red boots. I’m tall and angular, but my face is full of circles and stars. Apple cheeks, round eye sockets, ball on the end of an otherwise 2ish nose. Spontaneous planning is my new mantra … Go ahead, comment and make my day. Is there a 1/4 group on FB?

    1. Painting my shoes has cracked the secondary energy wide open. I don’t need to angle in on type 4 anymore.

  47. I’m a T4 from Kansas and I’ve been considering that I may be a secondary 1. This video was a kind of ah ha moment for me, particularly Calista said that her T1 comes out around people she feels comfortable with and that she likes corny humor. That’s exactly how I feel. I used to sort of chastise myself when I would catch myself expressing T1 because I didn’t want to be annoying. Hahaha.
    Now I see how I can give myself permission to be fun sometimes and let my serious T4 nature take a back seat when appropriate. Thank you!!!

  48. I struggled with typing myself at first, I related to type 3 energy but I felt like I was just to light for that type and I didn’t see any angles in my face I see circles. It wasn’t until I read the Child Whisperer and thinking of my childhood that I finally discovered I was a type 1 . I then struggled figuring out my secondary. I thought maybe I was a 1/3 .. but the hiccup that I was having was that it sounds to exhausting. I am a very punctual person and like to keep to a schedule otherwise my life gets derailed like a train. I also struggled with my colors. I LOVED the type 4 colors. And I look good in those colors. But.. I hate stripes. So.. I have a lot of clothes that are those Bold colors with circles and animation on them. I also look very good in Black and always have, but I add a colorful bright necklace or wear a bright undershirt. And so does my daughter who is also a type 1/4 combo who I also thought she might be a type 3.
    I think that was my Ah Ha moment.. that I had a secondary 4 and during a really hard time of my life my type 4 was being a parent to my type 1 and my secondary was taking over. I can sit quite and observe when needed, but I like being the light of events and I love being that social butterfly and I am happier when I’m allowed to be my type 1.

  49. Hi everyone! I realize this may not be seen by many since most of the comments on this video are at least a year old, but I’m gonna give it a shot anyway. I am just learning about energy types and I’m pretty certain I’m a primary Type 1 with a secondary Type 4. I’m curious if anyone else has a significant other with primary Type 4 secondary Type 1. How in the world do you make this work?! I didn’t think he was my opposite until I read about the energy types and all of a sudden light has been shed on a lot of our interpersonal conflict. Help me out, ladies!

  50. I was positive that I am a T1 from the beginning, never was quite sure about my secondary. As soon as Jaleah mentioned that the s4 will take over because “you need to be serious as an adult, need to be this way or that way, need to be responsible and structured”, I was fully focused on the video because it clicked for me. I definitely relate to that comment, and only being 23 I have barely set foot into “real adulthood” and I am already succumbing to the idea that there is only one way to be an adult and that is through strict and structured rules I set for myself so others see me as a real adult. I have been adjusting to life on my own, my first full time job (which is a management position in a small company where I am pretty much running the entire business), and how to live off of my own income. Watching this video really put into perspective how I have let my fun side down because of my newly discovered secondary 4! Thank you for posting this video!!

  51. I’ve dabbled into all the types so far and thought I’d finally settled it with T1/s2, but something just didn’t feel right about it. I thought I was just analyzing it too much. This video confirms so many reasons of how wrong I was and shows me that I really am a T1/s4. Thank you for making this video as it was very helpful for me to finally ‘know my type,’ once and for all.

  52. I just found this and Jaleah you really spoke to me. I am a type 1/4. Living way too much in my type 4 energy. Thank you thank you thank you for clarifying me to me. I feel I am alive again and can’t wait for my style kit to arrive. I’m in Australia.

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