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3 Questions to Help You Discover Your Most Lovely Type 2 Nails

How to make sure your nails connect with your Type 2 style

“How do I apply Dressing Your Truth to my nails?”

Great question! Giving a little extra attention to your nails and toenails is a fun way to express more of your feminine nature. Who doesn’t love a day at the spa for a mani/pedi?!

There a quite a few options when it comes to doing your nails. Let’s talk about it!

Here are 3 questions to consider when you’re choosing your nail look:

1. Which method do you like?


The most basic method is to just use a topcoat, or plain, old nail polish. The advantages of this simple DIY method are that you can change the color more often, do it at home quickly, and it’s inexpensive and won’t cause damage to your nails over time.

A lot of women like the ritual of painting their nails because it’s relaxing and calming. There’s something so satisfying about adding a smooth, soft layer of polish.

One of the cons of this method is that it doesn’t last very long, maybe just 2-3 days. For a lot of women, this is a pet-peeve because they’re left with chipped nails, begging to be redone.

However, this is a great method for toes because toe polish doesn’t get chipped as easily.

Stickers and Strips

If you’re looking for a more permanent but still DIY option, you could try nail stickers or strips. They’re becoming very popular, both in stores and with independent sellers. There’s so much variety when it comes to color and pattern!

Type 2 Expert Anne loves them too! “I prefer my nails low maintenance. I keep them short and rarely use polish because it chips off so fast! I recently found some nail stickers that actually stay on and I’ve been having fun with those.”

Type 2 Nails Stickers

Acrylic Nails and Gel Nails

These require a commitment—both with time and money. Acrylic nails and gel nails are the most permanent options and most likely require a visit to the salon. Acrylic and gel both last longer and they’re more durable for daily use. You can also change or enhance the shape of your natural nail with these methods.

Acrylic or gel are great options while you’re visiting the salon regularly, but if you decide to stop this method, you’ll have about 5 weeks where the damaged nails have to grow out completely. But many women are happy with this method while it lasts!

Nail health is very important to Type 2 women. They can be pretty practical when it comes to “dolling” up their nails. But, even though they are usually plain, they do care for them and make sure the cuticles are healthy and nail beds are moisturized and smooth.

2. What’s your best shape?

There are quite a few popular nail shapes to consider. You can create a specific nail shape by getting artificial nails or by filing your nails into a certain shape.

The best shapes to harmonize with your Type 2 energy are oval, squoval, and almond.

Type 2 nails

Oval will create an elongated and softened shape. Squoval, which is basically a softened square, is a great alternative to the traditional square nail shape. Almond is a more narrow oval with a softened point at the tip. (To see more examples of these shapes, simply do an internet search.)

3. Do you have a color preference?

Now this is what really makes your nails sing!

Type 2 Ombre Nails

Jennifer shared this beautiful photo and says, “My go-to is usually a pink or purple ombre with some sparkle added towards the tip. Ombre color blend for my Type 2 nature and the sparkle keeps my Secondary 1 happy.”

Find the perfect colors for you by using your Style Guide! Ask yourself: are they tones? We have a full series on helping you determine your Type 2 colors! Here’s a refresher on your Type 2 Tones.

Here are some lovely Type 2 colors to get you started:

Nude Nail Polish


Sexy Divide


Are you a “nail girl” or more a of “plain Jane”?

What’s your preferred method of nail care? Do you have a favorite nail color? Post your tips in the comments below.

Nails can be a fun way to personalize your style and become an accessory. But don’t stop there! Get even more accessories for your Type in the DYT Online Store!

Shop Type 2 accessories in the DYT Store!

P.S. There’s more than one way to use nail polish. Find out how you can use it to refashion jewelry!

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