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How to Claim Your Sexual Energy & Create A More Pleasurable Experience

Energy Profiling can help you understand yourself and your partner better

Want to have a more positive and fulfilling sex life?

On today’s #EnergyProfilingWithCarol show, my two guests share how discovering their Energy Types has helped them to understand their sexual energy, and their sexual experiences, even better!

First you’ll meet Rachel, Type 1/3, who was raised in a sex-positive home. But on a cultural level, she internalized the message that her sex drive was weird and wrong. When she got married, she realized she was imposing a shameful narrative onto her husband.

Watch how she got rid of unspoken drama and accepted their true natures—which made their sexual experiences so much easier.

Then I introduce Hanna, Type 2/4, who is a women’s sexuality educator. She focuses on empowerment, dispelling myths and misunderstandings about your body, and educating women to take ownership over their sexual experiences—instead of putting all the pressure on their partners.

You have been taught to live with a compromise instead of seeking advice, education, or products to help your sex life. Hanna works to create a comfortable experience around this topic and reduce shame.

Hanna and I take live questions from our audience. Here are some of the questions we talked about:

  • Can you talk about the lack of desire in a female?
  • Who initiates in a relationship when you and your partner are both Type 2?
  • I only want to engage in intimacy when I know my husband really needs it; I could take it or leave it. Any tips?
  • What books do you recommend about this topic? (See the resources below for the full list!)

What “aha” did you have watching this show? Leave a comment below!

Follow me on Facebook to watch #CarolTuttleTV live and also to access the full listing of #CarolTuttleTV episodes. 

Enjoy the resources mentioned on today’s show:

Join Lifestyle & get access to our Sexuality for Every Type series!


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  1. Great info here, and in the related videos for each type.
    How does this all apply to a woman without a partner?
    Gail, T1

  2. Another book I would highly recommend is The Sex-Starved Marriage by Michele Weiner Davis. It’s not only about sex, it is also about sharing your desires openly and honestly within your relationships.

    Thank you Carol and to your guests for these open conversations, every woman deserves to understand her body and celebrate her sexuality!

  3. I found this interesting and appreciate the open communications too . I really appreciated the related videos for each type too . the type 2 video spoke to me the most and resonated almost completely. I also really like the book cover. I love the colours and their flow and I love the subtle though white 6 pointed star that the flow of colour makes wihin it . It was sort of the first thing I saw in a swirl of blues and greens ( my favourite colours when they are in the right tones for me )

  4. I don’t know how long into our relationship it was, but I had to tell my husband that if men are like microwaves, women are like ovens. Microwaves get cooking really quickly, ovens need to be pre-heated, and they take more time. He can’t come home from work ready to go and expect me to be when I’m cold because I haven’t been turned on yet.

    Also a piece of wisdom that I remember and pass on: No one, in the glow of orgasmic pleasure, ever thinks “well that was a waste of time”.

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