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Put the Joy Back Into Money: Healing Session

I had a massive “aha moment” in the 90s when I realized I was frequently using five common phrases that had been forming my beliefs about money.

Maybe you say these phrases too. The words we speak reflect how we view money, and those beliefs create our experience.

I’ll teach you how to clear your negative beliefs about money and write a new script so that you can bring more abundance into your life.

Thank you for being a Lifestyle member! During the month of September, we’re celebrating your membership with this theme: I Love My Life

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Create a healthy and positive relationship with money:


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  1. I’m facing a turning point in my life. I’me shifting from being a full-time caregiver for my children and grandchildren to a role of consultant. This has freed up my time and made it possible for me to help my husband in supporting us and planning for our personal future. This has caused a battle within myself. On the one hand, I feel the pressure to get a job so I can help provide for our future retirement. On the other hand, I feel the pull of an unseen greater purpose that will help to ensure our future far easier than simply getting a job.
    Participating in the tapping with Carol just now has lightened my spirit, and is helping me to trust in the positive power of money. I have a long way to go, put feel that I’m taking those first positive steps.

  2. I’m excited to test this, because I want to come to the I love my Life event in September so after watching this video and Tapping with Carol – I mirrored first and then repeated on the opposite side. Feeling slightly giddy with the prospect of being the boss of money in my life and having ‘Enough and More’ – See you in September Carol xxx Mel

  3. I revisit this regularly… it is so great to top up my feelings about money and abundance. I try to have awareness about how i speak but sometimes my thoughts can move to a state of lack and this is a g
    reat energy shift… what i notice is that as soon as i start tapping, regardless of what side, i yawn constantly. I guess this is a way of releasing? it also happens to me if i am giving myself Reiki. I feel so energized and upbeat after. Thank you Carol

  4. Revisiting this with @storm7 as we support each other in bringing money into our lives. I’m participating in a training for a new career, and had found myself aching over every purchase “because I need that money for training”. Storm7 helped me remember that money is a resource, and wants to help me become what this training will give me, and lo! money has done exactly that and continues to do so. I think it’s time for me to dust off the 30-day Money Cure and give it to myself again for Christmas, just based on how much better I feel after doing these tappings tonight. Thanks, @disqus_8kjMs6UAMA:disqus

  5. This is fantastic!!! Thank you Carol Tuttle! This is something as a single parent has been very close to home, can you do the positives every morning on the right to affirm this and change your thinking?

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