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Can Your Type Wear Animal Print? Yes, When You Follow These Tips

Feeling adventurous? Give animal print a try!

Looking to add something new and adventurous to your wardrobe?

Animal prints come in endless varieties of patterns and colors. And are an unexpected way to personalize your style beyond the basics. Watch the video for your Type as your DYT expert takes you on a safari through your options in this wild pattern!

Animal Prints for Type 1? You Betcha!

Now, you might think that animal print isn’t true to Type 1, but it can be! Jaleah wants to give you some pointers to help you find the best patterns for your bright and cute outfits!

Are Animal Prints Too Exotic for Type 2? Have a Look…

When you think of animal print, do the words “soft and subtle” come to mind? Or do you think it’s too wild and exotic for you? Walk on the wild side with Anne today as she shares 3 important factors to make sure your Type 2 pattern harmonizes with your gentle and connected nature.

Animal Print is a Type 3 Classic, But Is It Your Type 3 Style?

Now that you understand you’re a rich and dynamic Type 3 woman, did you run out and buy animal print first thing? Or are you on the fence with animal print, not sure if it’s your thing. It’s okay either way, Sarah is here to educate you on all things animal print.

(Don’t miss Sarah’s practical tip for easing into it. She didn’t love it when she started dressing her truth, but has found a way to incorporate it into her style that’s perfect for her).

How Animal Print Brings Bold Excitement to Your Type 4 Style.

Are you drawn to bold and unique patterns, like zebra stripes and even cow prints? That’s your Beauty Sixth Sense talking! Kalista shares many examples of animal prints that are perfect for your Type—as well as “no-no” pieces that simply won’t work! She’ll give you the confirmation you need to proudly wear your favorite animal prints and still be a chic, classy woman!

Shop StyleInspire for animal print today!

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