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How to Ground, Center and Balance Your Yang Energy

You may need these grounding practices more than you think!

Do you feel grounded, centered and balanced? Or, do you feel tired, burned out, and pushed too hard?

We live in a fast-paced world and it’s easy to feel out of sorts. When we are taking care of our natural energy we can feel great all of the time, no matter what is happening around us.

You have both Yin and Yang energies that are designed to express in harmony. Let’s take a look at how each energy Type expresses their Yin Yang and what you can do to keep your energy balanced.

  • (00:54) Learn the main difference between Yin and Yang expression of movement, and what that looks like for Type 1 and Type 3 people.
  • (1:40) The push to do more, be more, and accomplish more can cause burnout if we aren’t careful! It’s imperative that you nurture your Yang energy in a healthy way to maintain balance.
  • (2:00) Knowing whether you lead with Yin or Yang will help you know how to nurture either your Yin or Yang energy first.
  • (2:50) How do you nurture this energy?  These tips and practices will make sure you are getting a healthy dose of Yang energy every day.
  • (6:12) One of the easiest ways to ground yourself is Aromatherapy with my, I am present Healing Oil. This will support and restore the mind-body connection INSTANTLY.
Share in the comments what your Yin/Yang combination is and how you’re mindfully supporting your Yang energy.

Support your Yang more fully with these resources:

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