Don’t Dress Your Age. Dress Your Truth.

Why "You're too old to wear that" is an outdated myth!

If you’re over 50, you might ask yourself, “Am I too old to wear this?”

Our culture has unspoken rules for what women can and can’t wear after a certain age.

At Dressing Your Truth, we throw away all those age-ism rules! I’m an advocate of “de-aging” and have successfully experienced that with not only my personal style but also with healthy lifestyle practices and anti-aging skincare. And you can too!

I’m joined by April, Michelle, Susan, and Sheryl—all beautiful women over 50 who dress their truth, not their age. Watch as they talk about how they were affected by rules from older generations, and what they do now to counteract those rules and feel authentically beautiful!

  • (2:18) Michelle shares some commonly believed “shoulds” for women over 50.
  • (4:48) How Sheryl picks and chooses from popular trends to keep her fashion fresh (avoiding “frumpy”).
  • (9:48) The high-five compliment that made Susan’s day!
  • (10:48) Tips for each Type to create great Dressing Your Truth (not your age) style!

New to the 4 Types? Watch my free Beginner’s Guide.

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  1. Love this video, and the affirmation that there’s no need to become frumpy – no matter how old we are! Thanks to the lovely ladies on this panel discussion for being inspiring role models!

  2. Yay!!!!! Love this! You all looked beautiful!! I actually was trying to figure out how to dress, now that I was older, when I came across DYT. Thank Heavens! I was in my fifties and had read all those articles Michelle mentioned. Such bad advice! But we didn’t know differently. I can’t tell you how liberating and self-affirming it was to learn my type and be able to forget about all the rules out there. I’m now 63, though like April, feel like I’m in my 20’s or 30’s – just much wiser 😉 What a gift it was to turn 60 already living and Dressing My Truth! Our spirits are ageless and that’s who we truly are. Thank you all for this fabulous and affirming video. LOVE IT!!!!

    1. Awesome, Mary Ellen! 😀 I’m a type one, discovered DYT 4 months ago, and looking at my 58th birthday next month! (E. T.A.: Mary Ellen, I just read through your other comments, and saw that you’re an s1.It shows! 😉 ). Carol, and the other ladies my age, and my t1 DYT Facebook buddies, I’m beyond grateful for y’all!! While watching this video, I imagined what we’ll all look like dressing our Truth when we’re 70 years old…. we’ll look great! 🙂

  3. I will be 58 in a couple months and I love having a pop of color peeking out in my hair. As a type 2/3 I truly relate to Michelle. Thank you Michelle . Any time I start to question myself you seem to speak up and give the advice that I needed!

  4. I just turned 50 last Friday and this is so appropriate! I am a Type 1 and I love my colors and shapes! I’m lucky I found DYT this year because I used to struggle with the list Michelle read and before this, I actually tried to do all neutrals, mostly black! It appealed to my Secondary Type 4 but boy did I look dead! Now I don’t wear any black (I gave some to my beautiful Type 4 daughter!) and have not looked back. But for my bday my husband and I went to a posh resort to celebrate and I realized it’s hard to accessorize for the evening without black… but it’s doable. When I want to look more elegant as a Type 1 (which I think relates to the age), I stick to navy or cream or even my red dress and make sure to sparkle with gold accessories. Or wear a silk scarf with my colors to give a pop of color. It’s harder to find evening bags that aren’t black or evening shoes– it’s a different way of evening dressing. People just don’t believe I’m 50 so I love telling them my age! Like April, I feel so much younger and that’s a great feeling! 🙂

  5. Very timely video for me! I’ve been struggling over whether to continue wearing tighter fitting jeans at age 64, Type 1. I love how they feel and look on me, but wondered if I ‘should’ wear a looser trouser-style because of my age. Thank you for answering that question Michelle – you made my day! All of these women look absolutely fabulous!! Thank you so much Carol for the information you offer on this site.

  6. I found DYT last year right around my 52nd birthday when I was feeling really awful about how old I was and how frumpy I felt. I was staring into the face of all the negativity around being post-menopausal that’s heaped on us by the fashion industry and even the medical industry (the people who are supposed to keep us healthy!) not to mention the drooping face reflected in my mirror. My skin and body were all changing and not in a way that made me feel good about myself. Fortunately a dear friend knew about DYT and told me that there was a sale on the course. So I bought myself a birthday present. It is without compare the very best gift I’ve ever been given. At a time when society tells us we’re supposed to disappear, I’ve stepped out in a Bold way. At a time when I’m supposed to “dress my age” I have co-workers complimenting my outfits, my style, and calling me a fashionista. I feel totally confident about my look now. I rock leggings, western boots, lace tights, pure-hued camisoles peeking through black or navy sheer tops, oh yes I do! Shopping is actually fun and these days I truly enjoy buying and wearing makeup. It’s even helped me find the best colorist at my hair salon because she gets it when I say to her, “no warm tones, please.” To me the most amazing change post DYT is that, even though I look so very Type 4, for some reason people now find me more approachable than when I was trying to “look my age.” Strangers will strike up conversations with me – Me! I don’t know how it’s possible that Type 4’s who don’t look Type 4 somehow look more aloof but it seems to be true. This DYT stuff is some kind of amazing magic and I am truly grateful to the friend who pointed me in its direction – as well as to all the wonderful folks at DYT for bringing this fabulous content to the world. You’ve helped me change my life in a very positive and substantial way.

    1. I bet people find you more approachable because your appearance is entirely harmonious with the rest of your energy. Good for you! 😀

  7. You are amazing beautiful ladies! I just turned 57 in September and I’m a type 4, (don’t know my secondary). I often shock people when I tell them how old I am or that I have a son that’s 32 years old. I love it!

  8. I really enjoyed this, i am a 49 yr old T3, who is always mistaken to be between 35-43. I love Carols outfit but not sure if i am seeing the colors correct. They look like a very muted green, which i would not have choosen. What makes her colors a T3? I love dressing your truth, you have gotten me through some major hurdles in my life the past 3-4 years and wanted to say thanks! Understanding myself and my enegry reminds me i can get through anything!

    1. Carol’s jacket looked like a muted type 2 to me as well. Still she looked fantastic as always. Maybe our monitors didn’t pick up on the rich undertones.

  9. Loved this! I’m a T3, just turned 30 this year and am so inspired by all of you gorgeous women. I am always trying to encourage older women to own their age and be proud of who they are. Also – lovveee Susan’s hair! I need to add some fun colorful dye to my hair!

  10. I’m a T1 and I am 62, going on 63 in a few months. I love my colors! Last week my chiropractor came by and he said I looked like Spring – I was dressed in yellow pants and a pink top. So refreshing to wear in November! At church I get compliments that I look so nice “all” the time – Ha! So, nice to be free to fly and soar. (The picture in my post was on my 62nd b’day.) If I could only get rid of the walker, I would truly be bouncing and skipping in my steps. Thanks Carol.

  11. It occurs to me that women in their 50’s+ have had these dressing as you age “rules” instilled in them by their mothers, and women in their 20’s-30’s, the daughters of these women, largely do not. I and many of the women I know in our mid 30’s don’t have the hang-ups of not waring something because of our age. Like Susan, I was taught about dressing appropriate for the occasion, but not much by way of rules beyond that. I’m sorry that women in their 50’s+ had these restrictions placed on them, but kudos to them for NOT placing them on their daughters!

    1. Thanks Kate. Our current fashion system has a lot of do’s and don’ts for women over 50, as Michelle shared in the video that have no value in the DYT world. My mom has never had much influence in my choices, as she didn’t know what was correct for her until she learned she was a Type 2 and started dressing her truth.

  12. Thank you for this video – you all look amazing. I am 53 and a 3/2. I have felt a new lease of life since discovering DYT. I am starting to wear richer, dynamic colours (I am so happy to ditch the black which ages me terribly) and I’m much more willing to try on different items – like leather jacket, chunkier jewellery, tapered jeans, big belt – just to take a more adventurous approach – so much fun. Dressing for work is still challenging as it’s very conservative dress code (everyone wears black and no jeans) but I’m sure I’ll figure it out so long as I dress my truth and not my age!

  13. Wow! Michele and April look exactly the same in their facial features and coloring. And they both have a reserved smile, sit very still and are not very animated… Are you sure April is a T1? We are the most animated and overtly friendly people… Just giving feedback from another perspective… 🙂

    1. Hi Barb, April is definitely a Type 1. Her secondary is a Type 2 which brings out a quieter side. She is a bright light full of hope and possibility.

      1. April has been illuminating for me with my 9-year-old daughter, who is a Type 1 with a secondary 2 as well. My daughter, just like April, has a softer touch with her T1, and comes across as more quiet and subdued, especially around adults she does not know. But once she gets passed that initial hesitation, she’s off and running, making friends with other kids so easily and always coming up with lots of ideas of games to play. With other secondary energies, the T1 comes across so much more bubbly, but with the secondary T2, it just feels softer.

        1. Oh dear, just when I was sure I was a type 2! In one of the live makeovers a lady asked how to tell if she’s leading with a type 1 or 2, and carol said it comes down to physical traits. I video taped msyself and saw how still I was, so I concluded I must lead with a 2…sometimes I’m not sure if I’ll ever be 100% confident in my energy type…

          1. T2’s don’t necessarily have a lot of stillness. T4’s are more known for the stillness. I think Carol says that, when there is doubt, you fall back on the physical features (facial profiling) and body language (for instance, T2’s tend to slouch more, T4’s tend to sit up straight, T1’s tend to fidget a lot, etc).

    2. Hi, I’m a t1/s4, and I can and do revert into the stillness of the type 4 when I feel uncomfortable. If you watch April in other videos, you’ll see more of her One-ness.

  14. I’m a proud 54 year old T4. I’ve always preferred very tailored, classic, ‘timeless’ styles so age really never factored in. But I do remember as a young person dreading the ‘old lady’ pastel polyester pantsuit! Thank you Carol for freeing us from that! I must say that many ladies of my age group brilliantly wear hair of all the wonderful colors. I love the look.

  15. Its funny what Michelle found out online about older women not wearing pastels. In Britain, every older lady I see is wearing pastels because it goes well with their greying/ white hair. Twinset and pearls seems to be the norm here as women get older…

  16. I loved this video! I have always dressed with an edge — in college, as an art major, I had “permission” to dress in a way that was artsy and loved it. I truly felt I was dressing in a way that truly expressed who I was. As I got older, however, and started “adulting” — got married, went to grad school, bought a house, had a child, etc. — I found that I started to dress more conservatively to fit the mold of a “serious professional.”

    After I got divorced and started my own company, I started gravitating back toward my true style, but I was still a long way from dressing in a way that truly expressed ME. (I did, however, get a bunch of holes put in my ears and 3 tattoos! 😉

    I put on a ton of weight during the 3 years I had Lyme Disease and added some more when my only child went off to college. I can now see that I was hiding in my baggy, dark, over-sized clothing, most of which was black. No wonder I was always feeling like I was low on energy — my clothing was sucking the life force out of me!

    Last year, a friend introduced me to DYT. I will forever be grateful to her, because I feel like it’s really helped me come home to myself. I discovered that I am a Type 1 (which I found a little shocking!), with a STRONG secondary Type 3. I am in the process of purging all of the black and dark-hued clothing out of my wardobe and replacing it with bright tints and edgy details that better reflect who I truly am. Even though I’ve only lost 5 of the many pounds I put on, I feel lighter and more confident dressing my truth!

  17. I just saw an article last week talking about how men and women should stop wearing jeans after the age of 50. How crazy!

  18. This is awesome! I turned 40 this year and found dyt and my t3 just before my birthday. I had a couple people say, Dang, I your rockin your mid life crisis. I would say thank you. We just had stake conference and I sang in the choir. I friend I have not seen since before dyt asked who I was standing there. SHe said oh that’s Teya, my friend said, “are you serious?” (she’s a t4). After the conference she came up to me and said, “You totally nailed your t3ness, WOW!” I didn’t even recognize you. I LOVE IT! I still get compliments all the time if not daily. I may try colored tip, but I love my t3 hair. LOVE DYT!

  19. Well, I turn 55 in a few weeks and I must say, you ladies all look great and are fantastic inspiration for me. Thanks for this video and the support for always dressing like “me” now that I have finally figured out who “me” was. :))))

  20. I hope we see more of Susan! Everyone of these ladies is fabulous; thank-you for sharing. (I really had to lean in to hear April and Michelle; could the mic be closer when they speak?)

  21. Oh my goodness, how timely!! I was just talking with a close friend how I worry that my T3 style could be seen as too edgy and “tough” for my age. Even at a young age, my beauty 6th sense would scream out to add more edge to my style which was not at all what my mother thought appropriate so there is a little bit of shaming I work through, but little by little it is being chipped away with each Lifestyle video I watch! Thank you so much Carol for these gifts- they are life-changing! More than ever I move throughout my day with the confidence true to a T3 woman!

  22. Great video! Michelle, where did you find those fabulous shoes? I’m also 2/3, nearly 61, and I can relate to much of what was shared.

          1. Thanks so much, Michelle! I just painted my favorite black Dansko clogs pewter and I’m enjoying them… but the softer look you got by sponging the paint is a great idea! I really appreciate your help, in all things 2/3! You are lovely.

          2. Ah! Perhaps I should have sponged it on. the pewter seems a bit too reflective for me. Thank you!

  23. April!!! You look so amazing!

    Michelle, such pretty jeans. They are beautiful!

    Great insights Susan!

    Everyone is amazing. Great video! 🙂

  24. I teach exercise classes for active older adults. My birthday is tomorrow and I asked a couple of my students to guess my age. The first one said, “I have a niece that looks about the same age, so 35?” The other lady said, “I know you have older kids so I guess 45.” I smiled and said, ” I love you guys! I’ll be 55 tomorrow! You just made my day!” Type 1 and rockin’ type 1 workout clothes 😉

  25. Age is just a number not a fashion category. I am 59 and I think I am a type 2 woman. I have never dressed my age and occasionally when I wonder if I am the clothes choices are too young, I think “who cares” and wear what I feel comfortable in. Even though I have grey hair, most people don’t even believe me when I tell them my age and I certainly don’t act like I am old.

  26. I strongly suspect that I am a type 4 with a secondary 2 (I dress T4), but I really love the edgier type 3s with their chunky jewellery and edgy hairstyles. Although my hairstyle is probably slightly more edgy than a typical T4, I can’t wear the chunky jewellery, it just doesn’t look right on me. However, I would love to see some tips about how type 4s can make their look more edgy but still stay true to type. I am 52, currently studying at university with a whole lot of much younger people, and don’t want to be a middle-aged frump.

    1. My other Type 4 Expert, Deborah, is a Type 4/3 and brings some nice edginess to her look. You can see her consistent in Lifestyle Video’s, are you a Lifestyle member? She is also featured in many public video’s. Make sure you look for her, she has a great style.

  27. You know, it was a search on the internet “What to wear after 50” that led me to DYT! Of course, what I wear now, is NOT what I was expecting to find. So happy I found DYT!!!

    And Carol LOVE your entire outfit too!!!

    1. Me too! I got that email ‘what to wear after 50’ and it led me to DYT. I feel sorry for the ‘what to wear after 50’ people because I never went back to them- DYT is much better!

  28. I’m 57 and have always owned it, ” I’ll be so and so next year”, has always been my reply…for the shock affect. I feel 35. I haven’t dressed frumpy since the 80’s when it was fashionable. I typed myself a 1 a few years back and absolutely love wearing bright animated clothes to the gym…it gives me the energy to push myself harder. I decided even tho I am full of ideas and possibilities, creative, inventive, I could never live up to that energy for long…I gravitated to type 3 (but never changed my style guide)…mainly because my wardrobe was full of leopard prints, I love texture in all my art I create…but substantial just seems overwhelming for me. As a metalsmith I create pieces that type 3 would adore, but I rarely wear them myself…I’m subtle…don’t like to stand out. Just last week I owned my twoness. The soft and subtle me that all my life I refused to accept because I didn’t want to be like my mother…a woman without a voice. As I age and have come to understand that the “flaws” people have pointed out are genuinely my assets I can embrace me for me. I purchased the extra style guides and I’m having a lot of fun redesigning myself and my closet. Love Michelle’s jeans, what brand? I’m all about comfort, does a type two ever wear more fitted clothing…my favorite fashion accessory is a little sweater like April is wearing.

  29. Great video. I’m 61 and since finding DYT I have been more focused on dressing my type and haven’t even thought about whether it fit my age. One day I went shopping with my daughter and it was quite funny when we got in line we had the same shirt and the same sweater. I had a moment that I thought I can’t buy what my daughter is buying. But then I realized why not? What DYT has taught me is to trust that I know what I want.

  30. I love Cheryl’s outfit and would love to see the equivalent for a mature Type 3. I ran an errand wearing the un-camo T and men were checking me out which I haven’t experience in quite a while at 68. I’d never worn camo before, and love the t-shirt although I don’t usually wear them. It was nice seeing Carol in the camo. I dressed conservatively and closer to Type 4, but after seeing a photo wearing black recently, I saw I looked much older. It’s true that all mature women do not need to wear black (or gray) as so many advise. If you make a video for mature women I would love to see the use of scarves to protect and cover necks. In an edgy way for type 3 personally.

  31. I turned sixty last June but I surely don’t feel I am THAT old!!! Since I discovered DYT one and a half years ago, I’ve dropped my hesitation to dress in a youthful way, have understood why I so often felt ill at ease in my clothes before, and I’ve noticed two things: on the one hand I feel younger, lighter, more joyful and bouncy in a way that feels natural to me; on the other hand, I almost feel “entitled” to share some of this buoyancy with strangers to brighten their day – without being self-conscious. I’m more in a flow…

    1. Thank you Colette for sharing how you have embraced your type and gotten into a flow that works for you as you brighten your own day and the day of others! 🙂 Keep smiling!

  32. hmmmm….I don’t dress much differently at 61 than I did at 31, except for shoes. I switched to a lower heel but still like to find one that looks good.

  33. This is so true! I’m type 4/1. I totally relate with the type 4 woman. I love trends. They are fun, fresh and now dressing my truth makes it easy to find what works for me. Thank you Carole! You’re amazing and beautiful.

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