4 Fashion Tips that Flatter Your Petite Body Type

These clothing tips will help you create a personal style you love!

You may be petite and not even know it. It’s common to think of petite as “small and thin,” but that’s just not true!

So the first question to ask yourself is “Am I petite?”

The simple answer is, if you are 5’4” or less, you’re considered petite.

If you’re like most petite women, you struggle in a fashion slump, wearing unflattering clothes that are too big and loose. It’s because these clothes were made for women who are taller!

Follow these 4 fashion tips and you’ll be sure to flatter your petite frame no matter your weight.

  1. Shop in the petite section of stores! That’s the #1 rule for dressing to honor your petite build is. It’s essential to find clothes that will fit you properly. Plus, it actually makes it simpler by narrowing down your choices.
  2. Make sure your pants are the proper length for your leg. Your pant should hit the top of your shoe with no buckling. Because you are shorter and most likely have shorter legs, too long of a pant will make you look frumpy and heavy.
  3. Tuck in your shirt. If you’re wearing a top that goes past your hipbones, it will make you look messy and out of balance. Tuck the front of your shirt inside if you’re wearing fitted pants. If you’re wearing loose pants, you’ll feel and look better if you tuck in your top all around.
  4. Heels can add to your confidence. Sure, flats are comfy and have their place in your wardrobe, but you will flatter your whole look by wearing heels. You’ll stand up taller and walk with more confidence in heels too!

No matter your size, know that your body and your beauty is unique and perfect.

Stop wishing you had different physical characteristics and start loving what you have and wear your petiteness with confidence! You’ll have fun with different fashion styles as you find more confidence in your unique body type.

And when you look good and feel good, you’ll be free to do good in a world that needs your gifts.

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  1. Hi, Carol. I have to beg to differ regarding petite pants… The problem with “petite” pants are that they are made for women MUCH smaller than 5’4”!!!! I am 5’1” and I am telling you that “petite” pants are too short (even for me!!!) I don’t have long legs, either. Yes, the dresses and tops and shorts and skirts fit better, but I am personally better off getting my size in “short” than shopping in petites. Also, it doesn’t seem to matter what store I get them from. The inseam is just too short!

  2. Cannot and will not wear heels. I don’t mind being petite and telling me I need to wear uncomfortable shoes to feel confident seems like a contradiction to me.

    1. It works for some women, if it doesn’t work for you and your have other preferences, that is great. A lot of women like heels and they do enhance their confidence wearing them, it certainly does not create confidence though!

  3. Could I please have a little clarification on this? Does the not wearing a top that goes past your hipbones rule also apply to cardigans and jackets? And am I correct in assuming that your reference to hipbones just refers to the widest part of your hips? Thanks!

      1. Thanks, and a little further to this, I have read in the past that with regard to hi-low tops, that so long as the “hi” part of the top is above the hips this would still be a balanced look for a petite person. Is this correct in your opinion as well?

  4. I’m a short-rised, long-legged short woman who has not found ready-to-wear petite pants with enough length in the inseam. Lands’ End offers petite inseam length up to 31 inches, but that only works for me for pants to be worn with sandals. So I either tailor my pants or make do with “close enough.” It would be nice if manufacturers offered women more choices in pants sizing like they do for men.

  5. I am just under 5’2″ and am so grateful when I can purchase a garment in petite sizing. I agree, for me, that wearing heels makes me feel more confident, improves my posture, and I do stand taller.

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