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Here are the 2 Most Common Hair Mistakes Your Type is Making

Hair not feeling quite right? You could be making these mistakes...

Is your hair feeling blah? Are you bored with your current style?

The reason? You are likely making the 2 most common hair mistakes of your Type. Watch the video for your Type as expert stylist Nicole explains these mistakes and teaches you what to do instead. Your happy-hair-day starts today!

(DYT no longer offers a line of hair products. An experienced stylist will be able to recommend similar products to achieve your desired results.)

As a Type 1 woman, you need volume, animation & movement in your hair.

If your hair is feeling off, it could be that you don’t have enough of this Type 1 movement going on!

Type 1 Hair Mistakes:

  1. (00:34) Not creating enough volume.
  2. (2:19) Not having enough movement & animation.

Nicole shows you exactly how to get your spunk back and love your Type 1 hair. Learn these volume tips for backcombing, round brushing, and velcro rollers. Experiment a little with these tips, and bring the fun back into your hair routine!

As a Type 2 woman, you may be finding it difficult to totally love your hair. Why is this?

You’ve got a gentle, sensitive nature—and what a gift to the world it is! Yet one of the challenges you face is speaking up in the salon chair and getting your hair exactly how you want it!

Type 2 Hair Mistakes:

  1. (00:32) Not toning your color (hair fading warm).
  2. (2:09) Not speaking up in the salon chair.

Nicole tells you what you need to do to prepare for your next appointment. You’ve got a knack for details, so we think you’ll love this idea.

Come prepared with a list of questions/desires & the answers to the following prompts:

I like it when my hair…
I would like to experience…
I love how the hair falls…
My color is best when…
I loved my color most when…
Here is a picture of when I liked my hair…
Here is a picture of what I don’t like…
Remember your keywords: blended & cascading layers, softened edges, fluid and flowing

As a Type 3 woman, you want to have raw, edgy, and dynamic hair.

Are you leaving out these important elements?

Type 3 Hair Mistakes:

  1. (00:24) Not using your flat iron correctly.
  2. (2:15) Not going dynamic with color.

Your hair makes a huge difference in your style! Expert Stylist Nicole demonstrates the correct way to do Type 3 “curls” and shows you daring examples of how to can take your hair color to the next level.

As a Type 4 woman, you have a natural desire to perfect your hair.

But if it’s feeling boring, how can you make it just right?

Type 4 Hair Mistakes:

  1. (00:31) Not bringing your secondary into your hair.
  2. (1:52) Not going bold, playing it too safe.

You can find perfection in the process of going bolder in your color, cut, and style. Get inspiration from the examples shown! How could you be more daring, more BOLD, more YOU?

Your hair experience is about to get easier and more enjoyable. Pick one thing you can improve today, and share it in the comments!

Additional hair resources for you:

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