What Are the Best Jobs for Each of the 4 Energy Types? #EnergyProfilingWithCarol

How knowing your Energy Type can help you chose a job you love

Don’t love your job? This episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol is all about how knowing your Energy Type can support you in finding a job that works perfectly for you.

Here’s a quick list of what we covered in today’s show:

(7:00) – Discover how each Energy Type moves through the world with this quick run-down of their natural movement in the workplace. (And listen to which Energy Type Jeff Bezos is!)

(13:30) – Can only a certain Type of person become a doctor—specifically Type 4? Find out how each Energy Type naturally finds a medical specialty that works with their gifts! What about accountants, or teachers?

(19:17) – Face Profiling time! Which Energy Type do you think the founder of Tom’s Shoes, Blake Mycoskie is? What about the founder of Burt’s Bees, Roxanne Quimby?

(31:00) – We all remember Amy’s lovely Before & After makeover. She joins me on today’s show to talk about how her life and career shifted once she stepped into her calm and gentle Type 2 energy. Now she works in a position that’s more honoring to her natural movement!

How has knowing your Energy Type played a role in having a job you love? Share in a comment below!

This episode of #CarolTuttleTV had a giveaway exclusively for our Facebook followers that is now closed. To watch #CarolTuttleTV live and be eligible for our giveaways, follow me on Facebook.

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Quick links to the resources I mentioned in this episode:

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  1. I\’m a type 2, and I teach music (piano and singing). I love how one on one it is, that I can make a connection with my students.

  2. I absolutely resonate with this! I am a type 1/4 and Carol\’s description fits me perfectly. I have had 2 retail jobs that I absolutely adored. One was at an airport where I was able to meet and talk to people from all over the world and I was constantly in motion ~ both jobs involved selling things I believed in and items about which I was very enthusiastic. I was always excited to go to work. I now work in direct care mental health which keeps me moving physically and I still meet many different people, exchange ideas and try to bring some fun and joy into people\’s lives who could use a little cheering up. I know this is about type and professions, but as an aside, I agree with what Carol said about extroversion*. I can easily connect with and find common ground with just about anyone and am friendly and gregarious…however I am not social in my lifestyle and spend a lot of time happily by myself doing many different things including taking plenty of time to recharge my batteries. I have treasured friends that I maintain connections with from all the way back to kindergarten and though we many not see one another frequently, the time spent together is quality and not superficial. You seldom hear the term but I believe most people are \”ambiverts.\” Hubby is a 4/2 (I am pretty sure) and we give each other lots of space to be ourselves and respect one another\’s need for privacy and alone time ~ we enjoy each other\’s company very much when we are together, supporting each other through the tough times and enjoying the fun times. His profession involves a lot of structure and detail which fulfills his need for perfectionism and refinement.

    * as the term is generally understood vs. psychological definition

  3. OMG, I was questioning my job fitting a Type 3–high school teacher. And it\’s specifically mentioned. There\’s so much isolated, lonely time, but boy do I love the results when students make progress!! Thanks.

    1. I LOVE those Eos Lipbalm things! But I never carry them, so I usually steal whatever my husband is carrying. Lately, he\’s been carrying this freebie from the dentist and it\’s gross so I\’m super chappy lately.

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