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How Your Energy Type is Expressed in Your Laugh!

From Chuckles to Boisterous Laughter: Decode Your Energy Type's Laugh!

Did you know your laugh reflects the movement of your dominant energy Type?

Our unique energy Type influence not only our behavior and communication but also the way we express joy and amusement. In this fascinating exploration, we’ll delve into the distinct laughs of each energy type and how they mirror our natural movement.

Let’s dive in and discover the laughter that reflects the movement of our dominant energy!

(00:56) Type 1: Upward, Light, Random, Bouncy Laughter

In the world of Type 1’s, laughter knows no bounds! Laughs, giggles, and chuckles are part of their day-to-day expressions. Type 1’s exhibit boisterous laughter that involves the whole body, often accompanied by random and bouncy movements. They laugh out loud at themselves and have the ability to infectiously make others laugh. Offering genuine courtesy laughs is second nature to them, brightening up any room with their playful and animated laughter.

(3:330 Listen to Jaleah’s laugh here.

(4:34) Type 2: Soft, Relaxed, Subtle, Muted Laughter

Type 2’s laughter exudes a calm and subtle demeanor. Their laughs can be gentle and even mumbled, and may evolve into a more recognizable form of laughter over time. They may make interesting sounds while laughing, adding a unique touch to their expressions of joy. Type 2’s display a balanced and steady laugh that fluctuates little in tone or volume. While they may not be the loudest laughers, their genuine chuckles reveal their true amusement and contentment.

(6:29) Listen to Anne’s laugh here.

Type 3: Boisterous, Substantial, Edgy Laughter

For Type 3’s, laughter comes in two forms – a casual chuckle and a boisterous burst of laughter that leaves them uncontrollable and gasping for breath! Their vibrant and lively laughter often gets louder when they are having a good time. Type 3’s exude humor confidence and are skilled at making themselves and others laugh with their witty and clever remarks. You can spot Type 3’s in public by their lively laughs and conversations!

(9:19) Listen to my laugh here.

Type 4: Even, Clear, Linear Laughter

Type 4’s laughter is a reflection of their discerning nature. They laugh with poise and often consider the worthiness of the joke before expressing joy. Their laughter maintains an even tone and rarely goes beyond a steady chuckle. Type 4’s either genuinely laugh or choose not to – there’s little in-between. Politeness may lead them to comment that something is funny, but if it doesn’t resonate with them, their laughter remains reserved. When they do laugh heartily, it may get quieter, showcasing their deep amusement.

(11:17) Listen to Kalista’s laugh here.

Your laughter reflects the essence of who you are. Take a moment to notice your laughter and embrace this authentic expression of your energy Type!

Is your laugh true to your dominant Type?  Share in a post in the Lifestyle Facebook group any aha’s you have had watching this video.  And, did you laugh when you heard Jaleah’s laugh? 

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