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My Top Tips for Figuring Out Your Secondary: Lifestyle Coaching Call

Do you need some help knowing how to determine your secondary? 

Do you ever wonder what the process looks like for figuring out secondary Energy Types? 

I’m here to help you!

It’s the little things that often go unnoticed that are very telling of who you are, both with your primary Type and your secondary Type. In this Live Lifestyle Coaching Call recording, I’m joined by 4 guests from our Lifestyle community. I’ll show you the process of determining their secondary Energy Type by pointing out those little things. How I help them is sure to help you, and will even give you the skills to help see the secondary energy in those you love. Set an intention that you’ll find clarity as you watch!

(5:50) But first, let’s hear a success story, and (7:06) see one of our most recent #TruthBomb participants. I’ll show you what I see to help refine your Face Profiling skills. (To learn more watch this Face Profiling Crash Course)

Keep in mind, your secondary style doesn’t take over the show. It just adds enough influence to tweak your look and make it more personal to you. Dressing Your Truth isn’t a cookie-cutter system that’s why we see so much variety. And I’m grateful for that.

(Remember, in Lifestyle, you get the benefit of emotional as well as fashion support. This is the place to clear negative beliefs and energy around topics like hairstyleshoppingwardrobe, and makeup!)

Understanding your place in the Yin/Yang Line-Up of All 12 Energy Type Combos will help you know how much secondary style to express without it taking over.

Now, let’s meet our guests and see what secondary we discover:

  • (10:25) Type 1, Amy. “I’m a newly-truth-bombed Type 1. I’ve really been enjoying seeing my true nature, but updating my wardrobe has been a struggle. I would love to know my secondary to help guide my fashion choices…”
  • (17:42) Type 2, Melissa. “My world was rocked when I got Type 2. I’d like confirmation living in Secondary 3 has me constantly burning out.”
  • (25:55) Type 3, Nikki. “I was blindsided with my greatly needed #truthbomb last month as a Type 3… I think my secondary is likely a Type 1…”
  • (33:12) Type 4, Staci. “I was #truthbombed a few years ago as a Type 4. I’ve gone round and round with all the secondaries and can’t seem to land on one.”

The Live Q&A begins at 38:28. The questions I answered are:

  • (38:28) Should hair always show you secondary?
  • (39″43) I’ve been Typed as a 3 and I feel better when I dress as a Type 3, but I still feel like a Type 2 because I’m incredibly sensitive and I move very slowly and talk slowly. Does that mean my secondary is Type 2?
  • (42:04) Do most people end up with a secondary Type away from their primary Type, or what they thought their primary was?

Put what you’ve just learned into practice. Pick 3 of your favorite outfits. Why do you like them? What are you most drawn to in those outfits? Now post pictures of you in them in the Lifestyle Facebook Group. What are others noticing in you?

Quick links from the topics in this broadcast:

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