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What Help Do You Need with Makeup? Ask the Experts: Makeup Talk

pro tools + expert advice = beautiful makeup for you

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Want personal insights on makeup techniques and products?

What’s the difference between looking “made-up” and using quality makeup to artfully enhance your own natural beauty? Dressing Your Truth, of course! In DYT we teach you how to use the understanding of your beauty Type to select the colors and applications that are correct for YOU.

In this recording of our special Makeup Month, Lifestyle Coaching Call, Anne and Anna K will answer your questions and give you tips on how to personalize your makeup even more! They also share their makeup favorites (4:38), and why these are key to your colors shining true on your eyes and lips!

(Remember, in Lifestyle, you get the benefit of emotional as well as fashion support. This is the place to clear negative beliefs and energy around topics like hairstyleshopping, wardrobe, and makeup!)

Some of the questions answered are:

  • (7:16) I have dark circles under my eyes, but I don’t wear foundation or BB or anything, and prefer not to. Would color corrector still work for me, or would I need something over it to not look weird/unblended?
  • (10:30) What do you do if your brows are completely blonde? I’m talking no color whatsoever! I struggle with coloring the hair without just “filling in”, if that makes sense. Which of the DYT products would be best?
  • (12:48) What is the difference between the new face primer and the retexture product you sell?
  • (17:18) Should you buy a concealer that is lighter than your foundation?
  • (19:18) How can you bring out your eyes when you wear glasses?
  • (19:58) How do you figure out what color of foundation I need buying online?
  • (29:26) I’m really interested to try the brow tint with fibers. My brows are SO thin. I’m hoping it will fill in to look like actual hair. How long will one tube last?
  • (31:48) What’s the best way to do makeup for video or on camera and look fabulous without it being really dark? 
  • (39:44) For my 70-year-old Type 4 skin, I have found powder emphasizes wrinkles. Would your clear setting powder do the same thing?

What answer helped you? And how has your makeup experience changed and improved since Dressing Your Truth?

Shop DYT Makeup Today!

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