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Are You Trying Too Hard with Your Style? Lifestyle Coaching Call

See who's in the Style Hot Seat this time!

The question should be “How does it feel?”, rather than “Am I doing this right?”

What’s “off” about your style? The answer could be that you are trying too hard and overthinking your style. You might be following the “rules” too closely, have your secondary Type wrong, or are holding yourself back because of social “shoulds”.

One of the keys to effortless style (17:28) is knowing where you fall in the Yin/Yang Line-Up of All 12 Energy Type Combos. This will be your guide to knowing how much movement you can hold on your body with the 5 Elements of DYT. This helps you get in tune with “How do I feel in this?”.

I believe that looking great and feeling great should be easy breezy—so what’s holding you back from having that? In this Live Lifestyle Coaching Call recording, I’m joined by 5 guests from our Lifestyle community. They are here to sit in the Style Hot Seat to ask questions and get feedback from me about their hair, makeup, clothing, and accessorizing. I know that you’ll benefit from their questions and experiences.

(5:25) But first, let’s hear a success story of how the information I teach in my books has blessed Brenda’s life.

Now, let’s meet our guests and see what feedback they get:

  • (8:39) Type 2, Crystal needed help determining her secondary.
  • (20:21) Type 1, Heather wanted suggestions on how to style a summer dress.
  • (29:26) Type 4, Mika got direction on her secondary and adding accessories.
  • (37:55) Type 3, Kristi learned how to create a style formula, to easily dress up her sweaters.
  • (44:02) Type 4, Janilee needed help with her hairstyle.

Need more style inspiration? Hop on over to the Lifestyle Facebook Group to see what other women of your Type are wearing. Notice whose style you’re drawn to and ask yourself what it is you like about it.

Quick links from the topics in this broadcast:

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