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Is there “Crossover Jewelry” Between Types?

Crossover jewelry gives you more options than ever before!

Crossover jewelry allows you to customize and personalize your style, so that you can say, “I’m dressing MY truth.”

“Is this gold Type 1 or Type 3?” Could be both!

Type 1 gold is bright and light. Type 3 gold is rich and textured. But, is it possible for some gold (and rose gold) to look like it belongs to both Types? Yes! We call these “crossovers”. Type 1 Expert Jaleah and Type 3 Expert Sarah demonstrate how to wear your crossovers with confidence. They share tips on (00:47) how to know if it’s a crossover; shapes make all the difference. And (1:30) What makes these pink earrings a crossover?

Crossover vs. non-crossover. See the examples and learn what to avoid.

  • (2:26) Earrings. And a purple that both Types can wear.
  • (5:08) Necklaces. With tips for identifying rose gold crossovers.
  • (8:17) Bracelets. Plus, a bracelet that will surprise you.
  • (10:38) How to use your Type’s style elements to “Type-ify” crossover jewelry to make it work for you.

Now, visit both the Type 1 Jewelry and Type 3 Jewelry pages and see what crossovers you can spot!

“Is this silver Type 2 or Type 4?” Could be both.

As you learned from your Style Kit, Type 2 silver is brushed and grayed, and Type 4 silver is high-shine and reflective. But, is it possible for some silver to look like it belongs to both Types? Yes. We call these “crossovers“. Type 2 Expert Anne and Type 4 Expert Kalista demonstrate how to wear your crossovers with confidence. They share tips on (00:35) how to know if it’s a crossover; know the “middle ground” shapes. And (01:03) what makes these oval earrings a crossover?

Crossover vs. non-crossover. See the examples and learn what to avoid.

  • (1:42) Earrings. And how design and finish affect the look of the silver.
  • (6:19) Necklaces. Learn what “white” silver is and how to wear it.
  • (8:40) Bracelets. Plus, how to find the sweet spot in design detail.
  • (11:30) Use your Type’s style elements to “Type-ify” crossover jewelry to make it work for you.

Now, visit both the Type 2 Jewelry and Type 4 Jewelry pages and see what crossovers you are drawn to.

Want to open your options with crossover jewelry, and know that you’ve got it right? You’re gonna need a Style Kit!

Don’t have a Style Kit? Buy it today!

Watch these to be more confident in your color choices:

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