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Can You Profile These 6 Men? Lifestyle Coaching Call

My best tips to help you profile your husband with more accuracy and confidence.

My guests think they know their husband’s Types, let’s see if they are correct!

What Type are the men in your life? Discover why knowing what Type the men in your life are can improve your relationship and help you live more true to YOU!

In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, I’m joined by 4 guests from our Lifestyle community (I also profile two men whose wives weren’t able to join us live). They wanted help profiling their husbands— join me as we go through each of them and assess them based on their facial features. You’ll learn a lot about facial profiling, just like our live viewers did.

The foundational pieces of how to Face Profile men can be found in the DYT Men’s Course and in my book, It’s Just My Nature. To help you see how to apply it, I walk you through several examples in these posts on How to Face Profile Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 Men.

(3:30) But first, let’s review a success story, this time a man, and (5:18) two of our most recent #TruthBomb participants. I’ll show you what I see to help refine your Face Profiling skills. (To learn more watch my Face Profiling Crash Course)

Now, let’s meet our guests and see their men (how many got it right?)-

  • (10:14) Brittany sees all the Types in her husband.
  • (17:30) Kim, who thinks her husband is Type 3.
  • (20:04) Sue, who thinks her husband is a Type 1 or Type 2.
  • (28:40) Christie, who thinks her husband is a Type 3 or Type 2.
  • (38:05) Molly, who thinks her husband is a Type 1/4.
  • (44:51) Paula, who thinks her husband is a Type 1 or Type 3.

We had time for only one question, but it was a good one:

  • (44:51) How do you best relate with a Type 2 man who is very emotional and turbulent but doesn’t hold space for your emotional turbulence?

How has knowing the Type of a male in your life improve that relationship? Share in a comment.

See him for who he truly is. It will make you both happier—promise.

Get him the DYT Men’s Course today!

Quick links to resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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