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Style Feeling Stale? These Mix-It-Up Tips Can Make It Fresh Again.

How Each Type Does Pattern Mixing (With Tips for Secondary Style)

Do you feel like every outfit is starting to look the same?

You could be playing it too safe pattern. Now that you’ve got your colors figured out, it’s time to mix it up with patterns! You know that pattern allows you to play up your personal style and refine your unique look. But did you know that you could be using more than one pattern in a single outfit?

Watch the video for your Type of beauty as your DYT Expert shows you examples of how mixing up and combining patterns can create a unique personalized look that is both unexpected and honoring of your dominant and secondary style.

  • Type 1 – Mixing Patterns to Create Animation in Your Outfits. It’s random and fun! Find out how Jaleah incorporates each secondary while mixing patterns for a unique and super fresh look, true to you!
  • Type 2 – Mixing Patterns to Create Subtle Details in Your Outfits. Want to banish boring solids? Anne teaches you how to incorporate your secondary in order to add interest to your look. You’ll see how mixing patterns can bring a blended, softened look, true to you.
  • Type 3 – Mixing Patterns to Create More Texture in Your Outfits. Rev up your look by adding more movement and incorporating your secondary. Mix patterns to achieve a powerful look, true to you!
  • Type 4 – Mixing Patterns to Fine-Tune Your Outfits. When you’re ready to go beyond black and white, mixing patterns is a great way to add interest to your outfit. Kalista shares 3 tips for a perfect look, true to you!

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StyleInspire – Your Virtual Personal Shopper

Wondering if you’ve mastered pattern for your Type?

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