A Makeup Expert’s 5 Makeup Must-Haves

What are the go-to items in your makeup bag?

Makeup Expert Anna K has a few that can make a bigger difference than you might think in bringing out your beauty. In this #CarolTuttleTV episode, she and DYT Expert Anne will show you how they work.

May is Makeup Month at Dressing Your Truth and we’re helping you get the look you want without any guesswork. See what these makeup must-haves can do for you:


Anna K's Makeup Must-Haves in the Dressing Your Truth Store:

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  1. I’m eager to try the invisible lip liner cause – ack – feathering is getting to be a problem, but it’s sold out right now, I’l keep checking back though (I totally agree about the eyebrows, too)

  2. I’d love to try the invisible lip liner too. I have the brow powder and tool and love it! It’s probably time to get a new one.

  3. Oh, the nude waterline pencil is amazing! I have tried a white pencil in the past and the pencil was so difficult to use, this looks like a quick, effective application. I am type 1. (That was one tip that was such an affirmation.) My girlfriends and even my mother always wonder why I don’t like to spend hours playing with hair and makeup, now I know why, “it’s not my type!” I am new to DYT and can’t tell you how freeing it is! I’d love to update my makeup with some DYT items to bring out my type 1 even more. 🙂

  4. The Corrector Kit is a staple for me. In this photo, I used it (and an additional yellow concealer, since the corrector kit does not contain yellow) to cover the bruising that occurred when I took a snowball directly to the face. I have used other correcting palettes, but the DYT one is by far the best. The only thing I’d change about it is adding yellow as one of the colors as well. The size is compact enough to throw into even the smallest clutch. As a parent, I don’t always get enough sleep, so this is what I reach for to cover dark undereye circles as well. I do not wear foundation, just BB Cream on occasion if I know I’m getting to have my photo taken a lot, so the Corrector Kit really did almost all of the legwork here. I’m just glad I packed it with me on vacation or I would have looked like I was mugged in every one of my holiday photos. Instead, I looked flawless. I also generally prefer a very natural look, usually entirely make-up free, and this helped me look naturally flawless, not fake. I keep this in my purse now at all times. You never know, after all, when you just might take a random snowball to the face. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eb65b0e83743590f314de761f10f5a5141e00d02e096af42c5760a3ab3f7389c.jpg

      1. Yes, my normal, ordinary day look is pretty similar to the above photo! I do incorporate bold makeup for date night or when I have to attend a work function, or sometimes just for fun to practice a little more (I am a little bit more youthful looking and I have found that in professional settings, it helps if I wear makeup so I’m not mistaken for an intern lol!). Makeup is one of those “all or nothing” deals for me! When I do wear it, I full-blown wear it! Do what works best for you! You may find that when you’re actually wearing the bold makeup, it’s not as jarring as you think. But if you also just want to go more neutral and natural, that is 100% okay too! There are several T4s who do not wear any makeup at all due to religious reasons, health/allergy reasons, or just personal preference, so you won’t be completely out of place. I am enjoying becoming more comfortable with the bold makeup, even if I do still default to natural a lot! I found it helpful to take makeup classes, because, well, I guess as a T4, I just want to make sure that I do makeup “correctly”!

        1. Thank you so much for response! Yes, as a type 4, I definetly want my make up to be right!

  5. can you please do a brow tutorial? I am T4, blond eyebrows, just need some help..any suggestions…and thanks

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