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Quick Tips for Tying a Scarf for Your Type (Yes, It Makes a Difference!)

Whether worn for warmth or fashion, a scarf personalizes your style!

Can wearing a scarf make a difference in your outfit? Absolutely. And it doesn’t have to be boring!

Watch the video for your Type, where the Experts demonstrate a quick and simple tying tutorial. You’ll love how easy these tips are!

Type 1 – Add some animation to your look with a fun and flirty scarf! Jaleah demonstrates 5 different ways to play with a scarf. You will love these new possibilities!

Type 2  – Do you enjoy your scarves? They’re a staple of your Type 2 wardrobe, and a wonderful way to express your elegance. Join Anne as she demonstrates 4 easy ways to enhance your beauty with a scarf.

Type 3  – Only have a minute to accessorize? A scarf is an easy way to add angles and texture to your outfit. Sarah demonstrates 5 different ways to achieve this.

Type 4  – Join Kalista as she demonstrates 4 ways to wear a scarf to create clean lines and a striking look.

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