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Create a New Experience With Money: Healing Session

What is your relationship with money like?

You have a relationship with money.

Everyone does! Often it’s one of lack, struggle, and not enough. But today I’m going to take you through a tapping exercise so you can release limiting beliefs surrounding money.

There’s truly enough money for everyone. And I’m going to show you how to flow money into your life effortlessly.

If you’re not familiar with tapping exercises, watch this introduction to tapping first.

When you’re ready, join me in the intention I set at the beginning of this video, and let’s go!

Share in the comments how you would end this sentence: “I am grateful for money because…”

Did you find this helpful? Reset your experience with money, and join my popular course, The 30 Day Money Cure

Want to get started? I recommend taking the Money Quiz right now to point you in the right direction!

Get your Money Quiz results here!

Enjoy these supportive videos and healing sessions:

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