Over 50, But Not Overlooked: Robin’s Bright Before & After

As we women get older, we risk entering “no woman’s land” when it comes to fashion. Old cultural messages tell us how to dress after 50—and a lot of that advice isn’t supportive to the amazing (and beautiful) women we are.

Meet Robin. She’s a bright, animated woman who isn’t ready to resign herself to bland fashion over 50. She says herself: “There’s too much life to live.”

Her amazing Before & After will bring a smile to your face and help you love your real self even more. Take a look:


In the Dressing Your Truth program, I help you tune into what’s correct for you and your personal style. (I don’t call it “dressing your age” for a reason!)

Start Dressing Your Truth Today


More inspiring Dressing Your Truth Before & Afters:

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  1. Love your new look Robin; so pretty! I enjoy these makeovers but especially the 2/1 and the 1/2 makeovers.

  2. Robin I love how your bright light shines! What a fun blessing it must be to get to chat with you!

  3. Robin, I was almost in tears when I first saw you come out! We truly see you now in all your radiance and vibrancy!

  4. What a sweetheart! But help me figure out how she is a 1/2 instead of a 2/1? I see more of the blended features, blended skin and downward features in her eyes and mouth, which I learned was more of a 2…

    1. In the more T2 outfit she was wearing, her energy feels heavy and dragged down. But in the T1 outfit, her buoyant nature emerges happily.

  5. I really love this makeover! Robin was wearing more muted colors in the beginning even her hair was muted down with the grey but when her hair was brighten with the right color and the right elements for her energy she came to life. I saw her light-hearted happy self shine, thank you for this video it’s very encouraging to see.

  6. Wow, she looks so “lit up” after her transformation. You can tell she feels lighter and happier.

  7. Robin, you look so much more you in that sunny yellow! You can send that pre-makeover T2 blue top my way as I’m T2/1.

  8. INCREDIBLE!!!! I’m a fellow T1/2 and really related to your after look and energy. Robin, you look so much younger, freer, happier and true to yourself. This may be one of my most favorite makeovers ever. Just amazing!

  9. I appreciate how Carol emphasizes a woman’s nature when she does a .before and after.
    In this one, she tells Robin that when people see her dressing her truth as a T1 now they will think, “there’s a happy person!” I love that!

  10. Robin, I was a closet Type 1 before there was a Type 1. I wore gold house shoes with the Aladdin toe. Your story is like my story. Thank you so much for doing this and sharing yourself. I still don’t know if I can come out of the closet and wear gold loafers though. LOL I love you in the Type 1 yellow. You look so fresh and I just wanted to stand beside you and smile. I love how DYT has revealed that what I’ve considered flaws and worked so hard to overcome are our gifts.

  11. Hello ladies; I’m new commenting but been on a 2 year journey of DYT. I’m a T2 trying to find the answers to some more questions 😉 I’ve been wondering a lot about what’s my secondary energy: I think that it might be type 3, that would make a lot of sense for me. But sometimes I surprise myself thinking “what about type 1?”… And so I have a question for you, ladies: do you think is it possible that the combination of T2 + S3 sometimes feels o make you identify with the traits of a T1? Especially with the sweetness of character of type 2s and their need to connect combined with the determination, movement and fire of the secondary 3? Has anybody felt the same? I feel at heart I’m a T2, but sometimes these questions about my secondary become so recurrent that I can end up even doubting my dominant…

  12. Robin, how fresh and bright you look! Before, the T2 clothes were dragging you down and graying you out. Love your whole style, lets us see and feel your big hearted buoyancy. Enjoy!

  13. Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Robin please come by the T1 board if you do Facebook!!

  14. Such an interesting transformation…when I initially looked at the first few seconds of this, I thought she was a T2 due to a little downward slope of the eye and the softness of her face. When you see the two images afterwards (before and after), her natural T1 just shines through. Also, when she started talking – what a cute laugh and brightness.. WOW Robin – just fabulous!

  15. So beautiful! The difference in the two looks is like night and day–like a new woman! I’ve noticed with each of these make-overs that the lady’s voice changes dramatically when she comes out dressing her truth. Her voice instantly felt brighter and more upbeat when she came out. She definitely looks younger, and more fresh and happy 🙂

  16. Robin, you look amazing and you are an inspiration for all of us Type 1’s, especially over 50. I am a Type 1 and am so glad that I found DYT. My husband used to get upset about strangers talking to me at the grocery store (and everywhere I go) as well, we made a joke about it, as everyone talks to me, and we even talked about making a T-shirt that says don’t talk to me…but then they would ask, “Why does your shirt say don’t talk to me.” Now we know why, and just expect it, without getting frustrated or upset. We have a special gift, and I am grateful that it makes others happy or less burdened. Thank you for showing us all how great Type 1’s can be as we embark on the adventure of new phases of life. Live the adventure!

  17. Loved the makeover! As another 50-something, I truly embrace the idea of dressing my truth, not my age. Once you were dressing as a 1/2, you looked like your best version of YOU!! It’s funny about the grocery store, as a 2/1, I get approached a lot; must be the non-threatening/safe/comfortable vibe of a “2”. :)))

  18. This must be one of the most amazing makeovers yet! Robin you shine like sunshine in the true version of you, and I really noticed your beautiful light blue eyes. I agree with Carol you have that Hollywood glamour about you, just fabulous ;-D

  19. This is one of the best DYT1 transformation presentations! Robin, you look fantastic and glowing. As a T1, I really relate to trying to get through a public place quickly as there are always people I engage in conversation…if only to brighten a clerk’s day or help someone find something. I was with another T1 in a store giggling and laughing about what we were looking at and a stranger came over to us and told us she wanted to join us in our fun. She ended up asking our advice on a purchase and joining us in our little shopping adventure. THANK YOU, Carol, for pointing out that the world needs our light and just being true to our energy is a gift to others. I’m now looking at “being” instead of “trying” as a habit.

    1. “I’m now looking at “being” instead of “trying” as a habit.”
      Exactly! Yes! :)))

  20. I enjoy this makeover so much, that I watched it again. 🙂 Her smile and twinkle in her eye just makes me smile right along with her!
    And I can relate to her grocery store experiences… I am a Type 1 and I talk to people all the time! I “feel” shy (past hurts I’m still dealing with) but once I feel comfortable (which doesn’t take long), I just love talking to people. My children tell me that I draw people to me and that I don’t know a stranger. I used to think that was “wrong” somehow, because I didn’t see too many others out there like me! Not anymore. I am the self appointed door greeter at church with a smile and a hug.
    I’m so thankful to be me and I look forward to clearing out all of the yuck from past hurts so I can further let my light shine.
    On a side note…. I SO wish I could come there to DYT and have my hair and makeup redone. Ugh. Worst part about me! Being a brunette, I don’t really feel comfortable with the light blue eye makeup in the DYT course. Help, please!

    Hugs and love,
    Janet in Texas

  21. This brightened my evening. Robin looks wonderful and comfortable in her new look. And she looks 10 years younger. I love T1 women. They truly are a blessing!

  22. What a change! That hair is life changing. She looks alive and glowing… in her before she looked squashed somehow, almost ill. It is incredible how profound honoring oneself is, even through style. Lovely!

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