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How to Pick Plaid That’s Correct For You! (Plus Style Tips Inside)

Wow! Who knew the Yin/Yang balance in a pattern made such a difference?

There’s a plethora of plaids out there, and you need to know what to look for—and how to Yin/Yang style it!

There’s a plethora of plaids out there, and you need to know what to look for—and how to style it! Carol and the Dressing Your Truth Experts show you how your Pattern Guides will help you pick out the best plaid that will make you go, “Wow!” Who knew this pattern could work for everyone?

We show you multiple examples of plaids for your Type and how to balance the Yin/Yang movement in the style of your overall outfit and look!

  • (00:37) Type 1 Playful Plaid
  • (2:48) Type 2 Pretty Plaid
  • (6:18) Type 3 Practical Plaid
  • (8:36) Type 4 Polished Plaid

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  1. I’ve always loved Buffalo Plaid! As a teen, I commandeered my father’s buffalo plaid hunting jacket. It was perfect with my black flat front, side zip jeans. Definitely my T4 style sixth sense at work! Another T4 favorite is black watch plaid.

  2. Love this! Plaid is everywhere in the PNW where I live. As a T2 I thought I could never pull it off but this gives me some ideas. I’ll definitely try combining it with florals!

    1. We will have more videos on how to incorporate yin/yang into your style! It’s going to be a very enlightening series!

  3. LOVED this video! I have always been drawn to plaid, especially red and black, and thought it was just from growing up in the PNW. It’s an everyday staple and my high school mascot was even a lumberjack lol. As a Type 4 it’s no surprise that I prefer the bigger and simple 2-3 color plaids. I appreciate the extra thought that went into explaining the yang energy of plaid and how each type is honored through different styling. I would love to see more tutorials like this!

  4. Explaining about the yin/yang has made a lot of sense with pattern….I’m a 4/3, and I feel like florals just aren’t an option because they feel either too animated, or too blended, even if it’s deemed T4. What would be a way for a 4/3 to feel comfortable in floral? Or does it have more to do with what else is worn with it?

    1. Try wearing a floral print with stripes, that would add some grounding quality to the overall look. Also make sure the fabrication of the floral patterned garment is very Type 4. If it’s too soft the print and the fabrication will together be too soft.

  5. Anne’s outfit is an inspiration! It never occurred to me to mix a floral with a soft plaid like she did. Thank you, Anne, once again, for being such a stellar style icon!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! It was a new combo for me too. I saw Elisabeth (Kalista’s 2/1 sister) pair them together a while ago and loved it on her!

  6. I have always been drawn to and love plaid, especially red/black buffalo plaid (OMG in love with it!!! And it is everywhere this season! However, I believe I am a type 3 so not in our color range, sigh!) I appreciate the insight of the yin/yang aspect and I like the pattern on pattern ideas. Thank you for sharing!

  7. You all look fabulous!!!
    I’ve never liked plaid but this video is making me have another look and play with this pattern. I am so happy I found DYT because I never knew fashion could be sooooo fun! The yin/yang distinction is a big ah-ha. Looking forward to discovering more.

  8. I loved the Yin Yang explanation 🙂 Thanks Carol! Jaleah I love your boots! Where did you find those? You look super cute 🙂 Thanks.

  9. Another home run for DYT! How wonderful to now understand why I could never feel comfortable in plaids as a T2, and how I may be able to incorporate it now. The Yin and Yang explanation is so very helpful. Thank you!

  10. Fist off, THANK YOU for comparing the T1 bright with the T4 bold pattern guide, and the T2 dusty with the T3 dirty style guide!!!
    I really like the idea of plaid, buy it, and then rarely/never wear it. I think I’ve figured out why. Because the colors aren’t all shades. There will be a gray or a black thrown in and it throws it off. I’m so glad the DYT store has some options for me to know I’m getting a great T3 plaid–no black or gray added!

  11. I’m a 1/2, and my favorite plaid is red, white, and blue gingham, like on a Fourth of July picnic table! I don’t know why, but I LOVE IT! Thank you for this helpful video. I’m really looking forward to the future content on yin/yang patterns in clothing!

  12. I learned something! The other day I put on a T1 plaid shirt. I looked in the mirror, thought, “I look like a boy!” (Boys are awesome, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t want to look like one!) and changed into a different top. Now I know I just didn’t have enough other animation going on! Woohoo! Plaid shirt, prepare to be animated!

  13. Late-comer to this conversation due to Newbie DYT. I’ve always loved plaid, yet never really knew why. I’ve always been very particular about color, fabrication, style, and design (unconscious T4 mindset). Several years ago I stumbled upon my perfect plaid skirt (bold red and black, larger plaid, above the knee) at Forever 21. I loved wearing it with a black wide rib knit turtle neck sweater, black tights, and black boots. I would love to find another one just like it.

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