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Tips for When Your Style Needs a Reboot! Lifestyle Coaching Call

Anne and Jaleah will show how Style Keywords can inspire your refresh!

Did you know choosing Style Keywords will help create a look that is uniquely you?

In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, our DYT Experts, Anne and Jaleah lead a discussion about this fantastic concept of Style Keywords. You’ll learn everything from how to choose your words to how to use them to put together amazing outfits every day!

They were also joined by two Lifestyle guests who helped teach about style choice, how their lifestyles influenced their Keywords. We even had a chance to have some of our members share their keywords in the live chat! We know that you’ll benefit from their stories and tips.

If you’d like a refresh on the foundations of Style Keywords and how to select them, read this article.

Your classic Style Keywords are found on the back of your Style Guides, and you can find a full list of Style Keywords for each Type here.

But first, let’s see hear how Jaleah (12:30) and Anne (17:21) selected their keywords and see examples with a Before & After comparison of them in outfits that express those Keywords.

Now, let’s see what our Guests had to share-

  • (22:29) Type 3/4 Amanda
  • (30:57) Type 4/2 Tara

The Live Q&A and Keyword sharing began at 38:50. Some of the questions we answered are:

  • (41:42) What should you do if you haven’t figured out your secondary yet?
  • (45:30) Should your style words be reflected in your haircut/style?  If so, should they be the same for your clothes as your haircut/style?
  • (46:22) Where does stretch fit in? I like stretch but also lightness 4/S1 or S2?

When you pick your own keywords, your style will easily express who you are. You’ll easily see and feel the difference it makes.

Quick links from the topics in the broadcast:

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