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“What Was Your Biggest Hair Mistake?” The DYT Experts Answer in Hair Talk

Your hair questions answered—exclusively for Lifestyle members.

Are you frustrated with your current hairstyle and ready for better hair days?

How you feel about your hair matters. Join us in this episode of Hair Talk as we “myth-bust” common misconceptions, (1:29) share our biggest hair mistakes and why it was so wrong for our Type, and discuss the popular “best haircuts for face shape” advice and if it is applicable with DYT?

(16:29) We also talk about how the emotions from past hair mistakes are affecting your current hair experience and how to clear that to create a new and successful hair experience.

The Q&A begins at 11:21

Some of the questions answered today are:

  • (12:33) I’m a Type 3 with fine and thin hair.  How do I create and keep volume and style?
  • (26:10) How do you personally find your next hairstyle/cut/color/etc? Do you google? Look through magazines? What keywords do you use?
  • (38:16) What do you do with the popular styling advice to create an oval with your hairstyle? Do you only apply that advice if your face shape is an oval? Which parts of popular advice for “best haircuts for face shape” are applicable with DYT?
  • (41:58) Can you just please once and for all, categorically state that T4s don’t need to have straight hair for it to be T4? …In fact, just dispel the common stereotypes for each type’s hair.

What answer helped you? And how has your hair improved since Dressing Your Truth?


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(32:24) The Experts share their favorite hair products:

Quick links to other resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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