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Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin—and Height: Type 2 Q&A with the Experts

Comforted and encouraged.

That’s how you’ll feel when you’ve finished watching this recording. Your Type 2 Experts, Anne and Michelle, are just lovely in the way they answer your questions and offer their own personal insights.

Here’s just a taste of what questions were asked from our Lifestyle community:

  • How does a Type 2 handle feelings of regret?
  • If a Type 2 leads with emotion, how does this show up with the more difficult emotions, like anger?
  • How do you stay connected as a couple when one person is a night owl and the other is a morning person?
  • I can’t fall asleep the night before a big event. But then my day is ruined because I’m tired the next day. Help!
  • I feel like I’m the only Type 2 in the world who doesn’t like scarves! Am I still a Type 2?
  • Some Type 2 colors really don’t look good on me. Is this an indicator that I’m not a Type 2?
  • It hurts my Type 1 husband’s feelings that I need so much alone time. How do I help him understand?
  • Any tips for “pile management”? They build up quickly!
  • How can a Type 2 get comfortable with being 6ft tall?

You’ll catch extra tips on how magnesium supplements could help your emotions. Anne and Michelle share personal experiences of other natural ways they have increased their energy.

Needless to say, you’ll learn a lot and love every minute of it! Leave a comment of your favorite part. We love being on this journey with you.

Type 2 resources mentioned in this broadcast:

Items from Anne’s outfit:

Items from Michelle’s outfit:

These items were in stock at the time of this recording. If they’re not available anymore, browse the rest of the Type 2 Store. You’re sure to find something else you love!

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