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How Your Body Shape Expresses Your Energy Type

Clear comparative references so that you can love the body you have!

I often get asked, “Does each Type have similar tendencies in their body shape?”

Yes, they do, but like the other physical features for each Type, not everyone will have 100% of the characteristics true to their Type. By understanding those body shape tendencies you will be able to more fully embrace the truth of who you are and how that expresses in your body, so you can love the body you have, and be kinder and honoring in how you think and feel about it and how you speak about it to others.

Watch the video for your Type of beauty as I show you what each Types body shape tendencies are, the common ways in which you might be shaming your body, how to be more kind to it, and how to clear negative perceptions and then reinforce positive truths with an affirmation for your Type. (I want you to get a dry erase marker or lipstick ready for this last step)

Ready to embrace a healthier and more vibrant you? Release the emotional patterns and limiting beliefs that keep you from losing weight. We begin Jan 6th. There’s still time to join!

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