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Shopping Doesn’t Have to be Hard Anymore: Healing Session

How did your last shopping trip go? Was it a win or a struggle?

Frustrated by your last shopping experience? Did you say, “I never find what I want.”, “Shopping is hard.”, “The stores don’t have my size.”, “I can’t find the right color/style for my Type.” We could go on…

Instead, imagine yourself walking out of the store feeling successful and satisfied because you found just what you were looking for! It was almost as if the clothes were hanging right in your path making it easy, fun, and quick to find the perfect fit and style for you, all within your budget! I’m going to show you a clearing exercise to make that possible. This process includes tapping, learn how here: How to Tap. Immerse yourself in this experience. And come back to it whenever you need to.

Begin your clearing practice here:

  • (2:20) Why your shopping troubles are likely rooted in this childhood experience.
  • (4:10) Shopping Healing Session: Get ready to let it go.
  • (8:54) Positive Reframes: Come back to these before your next shopping trip.

Create a new healthy pattern so that every time you shop you feel happy about how easily the right things show up for you!

Experience more powerful healing sessions in The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues that are keeping you stuck. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Helpful? Here’s more:

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