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Makeup Cocktails: How to Create One-of-a-Kind Colors for Your Type

Tips for thinking out-of-the-box for makeup style that's as unique as you are!

Looking for a more unique way of expressing your personal style?

One of the easiest places to start is with your makeup! By learning Anna K’s tips for mixing up color cocktails you can create true to Type looks as unique as you are. Get out your DYT makeup and brushes and let the magic begin!

(1:04) It all starts with the primers. Using the correct primers under your colors creates a clean canvas and extends the life of your makeup look. Your three key primers are Mattifying Face PrimerEye Primer, and Age-Defying Lip Primer. (Anna K loves this brush for applying Eye Primer)

Now for the colors!

  • Eyeshadow (3:20) These complementary colors are sure to get you compliments.
  • Eyeliner (10:37) Let two friends dance together!
  • Lips (13:23) It’s all about the mix. Or think outside of the box and try eyeliner as a lip liner.

Every Type can be a mix-master, blending is the key! The options are endless, just start with makeup true to your Type in colors perfect for you!

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