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Type 1 Anti-Aging Skincare Tips: How to Maintain Your Youthfulness

Plus Marcy's powerful story about finding her "happy place" again!

As a Type 1 woman, you have a naturally youthful appearance. (Lucky you!)

Your Type 1 skin has a random, animated quality to it, just like your true nature. Your skin has a brightness and freshness about it. You’ll always tend to look youthful, no matter how old you get!

With strengths also come a variety of challenges. Your Type of skin tends to have a combination of oily and dry spots that don’t always stay in the same place. Your pores are medium to large in size.

Jaleah smiling showing her Type 1 skin
Type 1 Jaleah
Amy smiling showing her Type 1 skin
Type 1 Amy

Tendencies to manage:

  • Red, blotchy skin tone and persistent, light blemishes.
  • Thin lines/crepey eyes

When you work with your Type of skin, rather than against it, you have healthier, happier skin.

How to work with your skin and maintain your Type 1 youthfulness:

  • 1. Use products that enhance your Type 1 qualities.
  • You want to reduce redness and blemishes. I recommend all of the Dressing Your Truth Anti-aging Skincare products because they will be gentle – yet very effective – on your skin.

    In fact, the Skin Brightening Serum will be your #1 go-to to reduce blotchiness and redness.

    This serum evens your skin tone and reduces discoloration. It will brighten, freshen, and rejuvenate while hydrating your skin.

    You’ll also love the Eye Corrector Serum for the thin, crepey lines around your eyes. The serum will help reduce the appearance of fine lines while rehydrating the area to help even your skin tone.

  • 2. Drink lots of water.
  • Most women do not drink enough water, and it shows in their skin through dehydration!

    Drinking plenty of water every day keeps your skin hydrated and plump from the inside out. Fill a water bottle up in the morning and sip it throughout the day. Bring a glass of fresh water to the table at every meal. Add a slice of fresh fruit, like lemon or berries, to add a light and refreshing flavor.

  • 3. Add collagen to your daily supplement regimen.
  • Your body doesn’t naturally produce as much collagen as you age. As collagen diminishes, we lose volume in our skin and we begin to see a hollow, shallow appearance to our skin.

    Collagen is necessary to retain the plump, youthful qualities of your skin. While there are fillers and injections for this, you don’t need them. I take these Collagen Peptides Powder every day and have noticed considerable difference in my skin health. Add one scoop to your coffee or morning smoothie and you won’t even taste it!

  • 4. Pamper yourself with a facial.
  • Once a month, I get a facial from an expert esthetician. I consider this a necessary step in my skincare routine that helps my skin remain healthy and vibrant.

    I highly recommend this for any woman—and as a Type 1 woman, this could be a fun, social event you do with a friend. Mark your calendar right now and it can be something you look forward to every month!

  • 5. Get plenty of rest.
  • As a Type 1 woman, you’re used to the bustle and fun of life, but allow yourself plenty of time to rest every night. Supporting yourself with adequate rest will allow your body to renew while you sleep so you’re ready for the upcoming day.

    Regardless of your Type, women who do not prioritize rest can burn themselves out, and this stress shows up in your face and lifestyle choices.

    This leads me to the final tip.

  • 6. Watch your behavior tendencies.
  • Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle choices as well.

    Type 1 women prematurely age themselves by living in too much heavy, serious energy as they try to accommodate others. As a Type 1, you have a strong desire to help others be happy which too easily turns into people-pleasing tendencies, then you take on other people’s energy without knowing it. This turns into issues with weight and inflammation in the body. You lose your bright, fresh appearance in your face. Your skin becomes more hollow and dim.

    Your Type 1 Expert Marcy shares this powerful story:

    “I definitely can take on other people’s energies without even realizing it, but I can also disconnect fairly quickly and move on. That wasn’t always so – I had to learn to do that. I almost married someone whose energy was very unhealthy for me, and I remember that I cried a lot in that relationship.

    “For many years I retreated into my Type 4 secondary, which became my ‘safe space.’ Eventually, I went away to college, my boyfriend moved away for summer work, and I met some new friends who helped me put the fun back in my life. Not long after that, I met Roy, we got married, and I’ve been permanently free to be me ever since. I’ve never looked back.

    “Of course, there are still times when life gets uncomfortable, or something bad happens, and I forget the fun. Then I have to remind myself that my secondary Type 4 can be a temporary ‘safe space’ for thinking and sorting things out, but it’s not my ‘happy place’ and I shouldn’t stay there long.

    “Solution: mentally disconnect from whatever or whoever is casting the shadows in my life and literally look upward: get outside and look at the sun or the clouds or the snow falling, and be around people – even just strangers in a crowded mall – and smile a lot.

    “It’s important to practice having the confidence to temporarily disconnect from a close relationship long enough to consider how foolish it is to expect someone else to honor what I say or do when I’m not even honoring myself. I think at age 73 I’ve pretty much got this figured out!”

    Questions to ask yourself:

    • What in your life right now feels heavy?
    • Whose energy are you taking on that you need to give back?
    • What activity do you need to incorporate into your weekly routine to have something to look forward to?

    Share in a comment how you’re going to honor your Type 1 nature and bring fresh and fun back into your life—no matter your age!

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