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How Your Type Wears Floral Print

Grow your style with natural inspired botanical patterns!

Yes, floral prints every Type, not just for Type 2!

It’s true that floral print is a Type 2 signature pattern (Type 1s have polka dots, Type 3s have animal prints, and Type 4s have stripes). But with the correct colors, scale, and contrast, every Type can wear and enjoy floral print in their wardrobe.

You can even take it to the next level with secondary style, Personalize Your Style with Floral Prints Perfect for You.

Watch the video for your Type of beauty as your DYT Expert shows you examples of how to identify the correct floral prints for your Type, along with some examples of what not to wear.

  • Type 1 – So. Many. Options! Fresh Florals for Type 1. Type 1 Expert Jaleah will tell you all you need to know about incorporating floral patterns into your wardrobe! You’ll know exactly what to look for, especially when she compares several pieces side-by-side to show the different Types!
  • Type 2 – Floral Print-Your Signature Type 2 Pattern. Floral print is your signature pattern and just like you, it’s soft, romantic, and elegant. Take a peek at Dressing Your Truth Beauty Expert Anne’s favorite floral items from her closet and see how she creates just the right amount of flow with her floral prints. It’s connecting and continuous.
  • Type 3 – How to Know if a Floral Pattern is Type 3. When you think of Type 3 shapes and movement, floral patterns might not come to mind right away. But…when you apply the right elements, you can successfully pull off these gorgeous options! Type 3 Expert Sarah takes you through several examples to guide you when choosing a rich, exotic floral. She talks about the size of the floral pattern, how to look for swift lines and angles in the design, as well as great examples of what’s not quite right. Watch for yourself and you’ll feel confident wearing floral in no time!
  • Type 4 – Specific Things to Look for in Type 4 Florals. As a Type 4, you can effortlessly hold the boldness of florals! But how do you know if a pattern is truly your Type? In this video, Type 4 Expert Kalista will tell you exactly what to look for. From the size of the flowers to the busy-ness of the pattern, you’ll feel stunning in the perfect florals you’ve chosen.

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Wondering if you’ve mastered pattern for your Type?

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