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Pattern 102: What if It’s Not Quite Right?

How to know if your pattern is a "nothing".

Are you compromising your style without even knowing it?

Do you know the subtle nuances that make a pattern perfect for you (or a fall-flat nothing)? By now you know the importance of sticking with the color group of your Type (Type 1 Tints, Type 2 Tones, Type 3 Shades, Type 4 Hues). But what about patterns? Watch the video for your Type as your DYT Expert takes you through examples of patterns for your Type and the “nothings” that might be still hanging out in your closet.

What if It’s Not Quite Type 1?

Animation? Check! Color? Um, not so much. It’s gray! Jaleah’s taught you how to use polka dots as your signature pattern. But what do you do when you aren’t sure an item you like is spot-on Type 1? Jaleah’s here to show you how to know when something is a “nothing” so you can bounce and be on to finding your next “perfect 10.”

What If It’s Not Quite Type 2?

Pattern creates a connecting factor that’s so important for your Type 2 style. Anne’s done a tutorial on how to use floral in your lovely Type 2 look, but what if something is floral but it’s just not quite right? Anne to the rescue again! In this pattern tutorial, she shows you examples of “nothings” so you can fine-tune your eye for patterns that express your subtle, soft nature. Find out what to look for and how to evaluate how a pattern feels on you in order to come away with a “perfect 10 pattern” every time!

What If It’s Not Quite Type 3?

Don’t let your clothes steal the show away from rich and dynamic you! Sarah’s already shown you how to use animal print pattern to up your Type 3 style. But what about other patterns? Sarah to the rescue! You’ll see how just a tiny bit of black totally overpowers a piece of clothing. And you’ll get inspiration to say goodbye to the not-quite-rights in your closet once and for all.

What If It’s Not Quite Type 4?

Your boldness doesn’t need to be toned down. And your Type 4 saturated hues don’t need to either. Kalista’s already shown you how to add stripes to create your perfect look. So it’s bold hues and perfectly placed stripes from here on out! Find out how to know when they’re spot-on and when they’re not quite right.

What stands out to you about the “nothings” you own? Share your ahas in the comments!

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Avoid the “nothings” with more pattern help:

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