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Type 2 Makeup: The Best Way to Spark Joy by Simplifying & Organizing

Anne's makeup & organizational tips!

Are you holding onto old makeup? Do you find yourself rummaging through blunt lip liners and almost empty lipsticks? 

Just reading that makes me feel tired. Holding onto old makeup will drag down your process. When you take some time to clean out your makeup and invest in organizational tools, it will help create a makeup process that is enjoyable! Check out this past Club Night for tips on choosing those things in your life that spark joy!

Having your makeup organized will shorten the time it takes to do your makeup each day because you won’t be wasting precious minutes trying to find what you’re looking for. 

Another benefit of makeup organization I didn’t realize until recently is that it encourages new color combinations. Because everything is out where you can see it, it will be easy to see the options of mixing and matching colors you may not have thought of before.

Here’s what I did to get organized and store my makeup:

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money to organize your makeup. It’s a few minutes or time that will benefit you for months to come!

I store all my makeup in my favorite acrylic cosmetic organizer, and I place that organizer in my bathroom drawer. The makeup is sorted by item: brushes, liners, lipsticks, foundations, etc. 

I also regularly clean out my makeup so I only keep what sparks joy. If I find that I don’t care for a color/tool anymore, or I haven’t used it in a long time, I throw it away. Things like mascara can get dried up over time, or colors become outdated based on my wardrobe. Keeping my favorites in rotation are always a must!

My Top 10 Makeup Favorites that Every Type 2 Woman Needs

 1. Type 2 Makeup Starter Kit

If you want to simplify your makeup, I highly recommend our starter kit. This makeup kit comes with the best hand-selected colors to get you started with a strong foundation of Type 2 makeup. What I like best is that it features some amazing Type 2 pinks, which will look fabulous on all Type 2’s.

2. Makeup Brush Starter Kit

It’s taken me years to realize the importance of a good makeup brush. In my teens, I used the tiny double-sided sponge that comes in the shadow compacts. The application was terrible and it was scratchy! When you use professional brushes that have a specific use, your makeup goes on easier and faster. (Plus these brushes are so soft!) 

3. Customizable Magnetic Compact

Back to organization! This palette makes it so easy to mix and match any amount of shadow, blush, and even brow powders. I especially love using this for travel. Having everything in one location with the slim compact makes it easy to travel light and take everything with you!

4. Primer Collection  

Primers are another makeup item I didn’t use in my younger years because I didn’t know the power of the primer! I promise you your makeup WILL LAST SO MUCH LONGER and go on so much smoother! I just can’t do my makeup without these primers anymore. In my opinion, no primer before makeup is just a waste of time. 

5. Eyelash Definer 

Spider eyes anyone? No, thank you! That’s why I love the lash definer. It easily separates lashes to create a soft and full look. 

6. Felt Tip Brow Definer Pen

Have light brows? Or maybe you want more “mmmph” or definition added to them. Adding a little extra color to your eyebrows brings balance to your face and makes your eyes stand out. We offer several brow product options, but the Felt Tip Pen is my personal favorite because I can apply it the fastest!

7. BB Cream

Oh, this stuff is heavenly! Just like my clothing, I want my makeup to feel like a second skin. This foundation accomplishes just that! It feels like soft cotton on my skin. I actually look forward to applying this because it has such a soft finish. It provides even coverage and has a bonus SPF protection. 

8. Buffer Foundation Brush 

This brush is so soft! It creates an even natural application of any foundation. It will help to blend the makeup evenly so you won’t have any foundation lines. 

9. Shimmer Shadow & Highlighter 

A subtle shimmer is a lovely finishing touch to your makeup. I love to use a shimmer shadow to highlight under my brow and a shimmer blush highlight on my cheeks. The keyword here is subtle. You don’t want to go heavy on the shimmer for an everyday look, as that can feel cheap or outdated.

10. Day Dreamer Lipstick

Every woman needs a favorite, go-to lipstick. This one is mine! It’s the color I keep in my purse to reapply through the day. It seems to go with everything! Plus, it’s so creamy and smooth, so it acts as a lip moisturizer too! We have several versatile lipstick colors in the store. Which one is going to be your favorite?

BONUS: Microfiber Cleansing Cloths

Makeup can be fun to put on, but not so fun to take off. Don’t let the clean-up keep you from doing your makeup regularly. This microfiber cloth is like a magic eraser for your whole face. It takes your makeup off with just water in less than 30 seconds! And yes, it even removes mascara!

Now it’s your turn! What brings your joy when it comes to makeup? 

I want to see what you have to say. Do you love organizing it, finding a new Type 2 makeup bag, or switching out some new colors? How do you store your makeup when you’re traveling and when you’re home?

Share a photo in the Lifestyle Facebook group so other Type 2 women get to see your process. I’m excited to see what everyone is doing!

Shop DYT Makeup!


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  1. Anne love all the details you share about whats in your makeup bag. I was wondering where you found your case? Thanks so much.

  2. I have the Burt’s Bees lip shimmer in Watermelon, too! I’m still working on paring down my make up drawer. :((

  3. Great idea about the hard case!
    Anne, I wonder if you could help me with 2 foundation questions:
    1. I purchased the DYT mineral liquid powder and and beauty blender. Love the foundation color – it’s perfect. The consistency seems rather thick though, and I find I have to wet the beauty blender before using it and sometimes apply a very light cream underneath. I’ve watched you and Anna Kay on the videos and neither of you do that. My skin is normal, neither dry nor oily. Any thoughts?
    2. How do you clean the beauty blender? I can’t seem to get it completely clean.

    1. I don’t know if this helps but some people I know dampen the sponge for apply makeup. I think it is a preference issue.

    2. In answer to your questions:

      1. I’m so happy to hear the foundation color is perfect. I think wetting the sponge is a great idea. I apply the foundation the back of my hand first and then dip the Beauty Blender into the foundation. I think applying it to my hand helps to warm up and soften the foundation a bit before it goes on my face.
      2. I hold the Beauty Blender in my hand under a running faucet (lukewarm water works best) so it becomes soaked in water, then I add a little bit of gentle soap (shampoo would work too) and lightly squeeze it while the water is running. Once the water is clear and the foundation build-up has worked is way out of the blender I set it near the sink and let it dry overnight.
      Hope that helps!!

  4. I never grew up knowing anything about makeup or its uses, and now, at 64, am discovering its benefits. For decades, as a farmer, I never used more than sunscreen. Now I am having fun discovering the world of makeup and hair. I would say, it’s never too late to discover your own beauty, inner and outer. My next challenge, that I feel very hesitant about, is to try foundation. Thank you very much DYT, for helping me figure out this world of gracious femininity.❤️

    1. I’m so happy to hear that! It’s true – it’s never to late to discover your beauty. It’s an ongoing process throughout our entire life!

  5. Anne, Thank you for this post! I’ve found that dressing my truth–including the new makeup I’m wearing–has made a huge difference in how my face looks. I started wearing a light liquid foundation instead of a powder foundation and switched to Type 2 tones in terms of the colors I’m wearing in my makeup, and I think I look more youthful and more beautiful in a way that really reflects my energy. The photo above was taken in 2014 (with a professional camera and experienced photographer) before I started the DYT course, and the photo below is a selfie I took with my iPhone last week (no filters or editing used). The lines around my eyes and my freckles are much less noticeable and more “blended” in the more recent photo, even though I’m two years older in that picture. Of course, I think the softer colors in my clothing and the softer hairstyle also help!

    1. Wow! Maggie, you look radiant and so gorgeous!! Of course you were beautiful in your before picture as well, but it’s amazing how wearing the right makeup really does make such a difference.

      1. Thank you, Michelle! It’s so affirming to hear compliments like that, especially because I feel like the real me is showing through now.

  6. Do you have multiple large chisel brushes or do you just clean them off in between applying different colors? Is there a video regarding how to select the right foundation? I have the two way powder (tender or perfect beige,…can’t recall) but it seems like the liquid is recommended especially for aging skin. My T2 nature means I hesitate and don’t purchase because I am fearful of getting something that is not right…. What is the trick to purchasing the perfect foundation color?

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