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The Best Type 2 Eyewear: With Secondary Tips from the Experts

Soft & relaxed eyewear options from the Type 2 Experts

There are so many options and a lot of conflicting advice out there about eyewear. Sometimes we pick out a style just because it’s trending that season.

It’s easy to make these common eyewear mistakes when choosing glasses, but thanks to Dressing Your Truth, you know there’s a better way! Every piece of your outfit can be chosen to work with your natural movement and enhance your Type of Beauty.

This even applies to your glasses, which are an important part of your look since they sit right on your face!

Dressing Your Truth teaches the Five Elements of style:

  • Design Line
  • Color
  • Texture
  • Pattern
  • Fabrication

You can apply the Five Elements of Style to your glasses so you can be sure they are a comfortable fit for your soft and gentle personality.

Design Line

For eyewear, Design Line is going to be expressed in the shape of the frame.

The fashion world tells you to find glasses the opposite shape of your face: “If you have rounder features, you want more angular glasses. And if you have more angular features, you want to soften them with more curved shapes.”

Instead, what you’ll want to do is choose your frame shape that works WITH your features.

Type 2 shapes include:

  • Elongated S
  • Teardrop
  • Oval
  • Soft rectangle
  • Any shape with soft edges

This can apply to both sunglasses and regular glasses. The shape and size can vary based on your personal preference. Trust your Beauty Sixth Sense!

For examples of shapes that work for you, see the Eyewear Gallery.

Color, Texture, and Pattern

We’ve combined 3 elements into this tip. Color, Texture, and Pattern will be expressed in the design you choose for your frame. You can go with one solid color or a combination of colors creating a pattern and texture. You could even go frameless. All of these choices will increase or decrease the amount of movement in the overall design.

As a Type 2, adding the extra details of pattern and texture in your eyewear can help add softness and elegance.

It’s up to you if you want your glasses to be more of a statement accessory piece, or simply a matching component to your outfit.


The Fabrication element will express a little differently than in a garment of clothing. When referring to fabrication of eyewear, it means the overall comfort of the glasses. How it feels on your face.

Every Type wants comfort, and when it comes to eyewear it’s no exception.

While you’re trying on glasses, walk around the store, move around naturally as you would at home or in the office. If the glasses feel uncomfortable anywhere or are too tight or too loose, look for another pair instead.

The following photos are Type 2 women featuring their lovely, soft Type 2 eyewear. You’ll be inspired by all the blended, elegant, and subtle options.

Type 2 Glasses

Type 2 Glasses

Type 2 Glasses

Type 2 Glasses

Type 2 Glasses

Personal Tips from your Type’s Expert:

Jenny, Type 2/1

“My eye color is always a consideration when choosing a frame. If the frame has a little sparkle and silver accents on the arms of the glasses, all the better!

“The eyeglasses must feel light on my face. I will often reject wearing them if the nose pads are tight or if the arms grip against the back of my ears. The arms must sit lightly on my ears and not touch my skull.

“Here’s an extra tip: I prefer contacts. Glasses felt like a wall that was hiding me for years. When I switched to contacts, people commented on how much prettier I looked. That ‘wall’ included years in the plastic frames that are popular again right now.”

Anne, Type 2/3

“I like to consider my secondary when choosing a frame shape. Oval is too soft for my Type 2/3 combo. I prefer a softened rectangle or square. The softened angles of a square or rectangle are just right.

“For fit, they have to be lightweight. I pay attention to how much weight settles on my nose and ears.

“For color, I always lean toward purple. But if I had to choose something different, I would go for a gray or deep blue over brown for a more neutral piece. For sunglasses, I like to have a little more fun and love floral prints on my frames.”

Shayna, Type 2/4

“I find that I can wear a few different eyewear shapes, as long as they have soft edges. I tend to favor a softened rectangle.

“I like to have multiple pair to show contrast in my style. This is where my yin/yang combination comes into play. Some days I want my soft gray frames, but the next I want my softened but bold hot pink pair!

“I prefer plastic frames with no nose pads, and frames that lightweight. If I feel too much pressure on the sides or on my nose it is a ‘no’ for me.”

As you can see, your secondary energy plays a big role in creating a personal style! We give you lots of resources and tips to add your secondary to your style and overall look!

Ready to pick out your own pair of glasses?

To make it easy for you, the Experts have selected some of their favorite Type 2 glasses and sunglasses from the site, Warby-Parker.

Type 2 Glasses - Daisy Warby Parker

Type 2 Eyewear Warby Parker - Mitchell

Type 2 Eyewear Warby Parker - Graham

Type 2 Eyewear Warby Parker - Laurel

Type 2 Eyewear Warby Parker - Nancy

When you shop eyewear at Warby-Parker you can select 5 different frames and try them on in the comfort of your home to get a feel for what you like. Then, just send back the ones you decided not to keep.

Be sure to check out Anne’s video on Summer Accessories for more tips on sunglasses!


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