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How to Personalize Your Style: Type 1/4 or Type 4/1 Combo

Do you know your style sweet spot with the level of movement that feels good on you?

Are you ready to add more pop and polish to your style?

Are you a Type 1/4 or Type 4/1? Lightness and balance are important to you in both your life and style. With the 5 Elements of DYT for your Type, plus a few borrowed from your Secondary Type you can easily create styles that make both of these preferences happy! And when you apply the tips you learn today you’ll be amazed at the time you save.

Type 1 style is light, bright, and animated. Type 4 simple, sophisticated, and balanced.

Join me and my Experts, Type 1/4 Jaleah, and Type 4/1 Kalista (7:38) as we explore the differences and similarities in the style of these two, balanced yin/yang, Energy Combos, (9:22) and see the energy shift that happens when they swap their outer layer. I know you’ll get many ideas on how you can personalize your style from the tips they share.

(You’ll want to get your Style Kit out for this one, and maybe take a few notes.)

How to borrow from the 5 Elements of DYT for your secondary to personalize your Type 1 or Type 4 style:

    • (01:30) Design Line
    • (02:03) Fabrication
    • (03:10) Texture
    • (03:58) Pattern
    • Color, remember this Element will always stay true to your dominant Type.

What about you? How do you personalize your Type 1/4 or 4/1 style? Share it in the comments.

Also, continue to share your fabulous outfits in our Lifestyle Facebook group, letting us know how you bring in your secondary style!

More secondary style inspiration:

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