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Top Makeup Must-Haves for Every Type 3! (Plus Storage & Organization Tips)

Sarah's makeup & organizational tips!

Ever feel like your makeup is a mess?

Sometimes we Type 3’s get going so fast that we can make a mess of things. On one hand, our swift-moving energy is a gift! We love to dive in and get things done. But sometimes, we move so quickly that we miss small details or don’t take the time to put things back in their place as we go.

This is totally okay and not something to judge yourself about. When this happens in my life, I just hit a simple “reset” button and take a few minutes to organize again. I just did this recently with my makeup!

When it comes to makeup, this is a part of my day that needs to be fast and easy—otherwise, I’m not going to want to do it. Or it will take longer than I want.

Here’s what I did to reset and get my makeup organized:

1. Find a central place to store the makeup you use daily.

You can move more swiftly when you know where things are. I know you love compartments, so create that perfect compartment for your makeup. For me, that’s the top drawer of my bathroom.

2. Dropped and broke your makeup? Use a sandwich bag to contain it!

Now a little confession: as a Type 3, I break my makeup more often than I would like to admit.

If you look in my bathroom makeup drawer, you’ll see a few little plastic baggies with different broken makeup items. I’m too practical to throw away perfectly good color, so I use these little baggies to keep it from becoming a bigger mess.

On the other hand, sometimes the items are too messy to deal with and I’d rather just replace them.

I have a storage basket under my sink full of my additional colors and fancier selections. When I’m feeling I need a little more variety, I get that out. But for the most part, the items in my top drawer do the trick.

3. Put your top favorite items in a small makeup bag.

Run out of time to finish your makeup? Out all day and wish you could touch it up? I have another compartment inside my makeup drawer. This is my little makeup bag with items I use each day–it’s my grab-and-go bag.

Another idea I’ve heard is that some women keep a duplicate set of makeup and create a to-go makeup bag that always stays in their car or purse. This way, they’re never without it. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Here’s a list of what I like to put in my little cosmetic bag for grab and go makeup:

1. Makeup Bag

Before we get into the makeup, let’s start with a rich and edgy Type 3 bag!

I like a bag with room for all my brushes as well as a good amount of items without it being too big. Something that can easily fit in a purse or diaper bag and not take up all the space. It can be kept in the glove compartment of your car too, especially if you commute to work or are in the carpool rotation a lot.

2. Peach Lines Bronzer

This bronzer is amazing! I use it as a blush. I love all the different colors it offers and it has just enough shimmer to give a little highlight. It’s my personal favorite year-round, especially in the winter months when I don’t see as much sun.

3. Duo Blush Brush

I love our DYT brushes. They’re incredibly soft and professional quality, and they make such a difference with the application and look of your makeup. (The Duo Blush Brush comes in the Makeup Brush Starter Kit, which I highly recommend for your everyday makeup drawer!)

4. Dual Blend Powder Foundation 

I’m in love with this foundation simply because it is so quick and easy to put on. Use the Powder Brush when applying it, and you get amazing coverage without it being too heavy.

5. Instant Action Wrinkle Smoother

Instant! Action! As a Type 3, what’s not to like?! Use just the teeniest bit for a big impact. I use this right around my eyes before applying my foundation to help smooth out the fine lines. And boy, does it work! 

6. Type 3 Makeup Starter Kit

Talk about a great reset button. This starter kit is perfect for any Type 3, whether you just found DYT today, or you’ve been with us for years. These colors are tried-and-true. They work for any Type 3 woman, of any age, and they’re neutral enough to wear every day, and spicy enough to add more for an evening look.

7. Angled Shadow Brush

Having the right tools makes all the difference. Don’t short-change the effort you’re putting into your makeup by using sub-par brushes. This angled eye shadow brush is my favorite for bringing out our Type 3 dynamic eyes, plus it also comes in the Makeup Brush Starter Kit too!

8. Goddess – Type 3 Eyeshadow

This is probably my favorite makeup item we offer. I have used it for years and love how versatile the color is – the shimmer helps to open up your eyes and add richness to the other shadow colors you use. A great addition to the Makeup Starter Kit colors!

9. Brush On Brow Powder and Brow Duo Brush

Let’s move on to the brows. For the Brow On Brow Powder, I use dark brown and enjoy the natural definition it gives my eyebrows. The Brow Duo Brush is a must-have for applying the powder, and the spoolie side is a great way to tame any wild little hairs. 

10. Navy Eyeliner

When I first started DYT and I learned that black eyeliner wasn’t my best look, I found relief in this amazingly dark and rich navy liner. It is the perfect Type 3 blue that replaces black. I always keep one in my bag and replace it the second it gets too low!

11. Eyelash Primer

This is a must-have for creating full lashes with any mascara. My lashes look so much longer and thicker when I wear it. 

12. Ecstasy Lip Gloss

I am a gloss girl! I love having this lighter color on hand to reapply throughout the day. It’s light enough that I can mix and match with any of our liners.

Now it’s your turn! How are you going to reset your makeup and get organized?

Share your favorite makeup items and storage tips in the Lifestyle Facebook group! We Type 3’s are resourceful, practical, and determined! Let’s share our ideas with others!

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