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Yin-Yang Jewelry Combos – “That’s Why I Love That!”

Personalize your style by bringing in your secondary with jewelry.

You’ve learned how your Yin-Yang combo applies in your relationships & lifestyle, and to your style with clothing & hair. Now it’s time to put on the finishing touches with jewelry!

Get ready for some ah-ha moments as we show you how to use your yin-yang combo to bring your secondary into your style with jewelry to create truly unique looks. You’re probably already doing this, but just didn’t realize it. Now you’ll know why you like what you do so that you can bring in more of what you love, and less of what you don’t.

(For a deep dive into this topic see The Yin/Yang Line-Up of All 12 Energy Type Combos)

Watch the video for your Type of beauty as Anne and I give explanations and show examples for each combo.  Notice that it’s not necessarily the individual pieces of jewelry, but how a look is put together that creates the expression of Yin/Yang Style.

Type 1 Yin-Yang Jewelry Combos (1:45):

  • (2:04) Type 1/2, (5:31) Type 1/3, (8:41) Type 1/4

Type 2 Yin-Yang Jewelry Combos (1:38):

  • (2:00) Type 2/1, (5:07) Type 2/3, (7:56) Type 2/4

Type 3 Yin-Yang Jewelry Combos (00:33):

  • (2:08) Type 3/1, (4:57) Type 3/2, (7:28) Type 3/4

Type 4 Yin-Yang Jewelry Combos (2:54):

  • (2:29) Type 4/1, (4:20) Type 4/2, (6:56) Type 4/3

Now, look down at your outfit. Are you wearing any jewelry? Does it match what you just learned?

If not, click over the Dressing Your Truth online store for inspiration. Look over the jewelry and add a few pieces to your cart to create a look that fits your yin-yang combo.

Share your Yin/Yang jewelry combos in our Lifestyle Facebook group with the #yinyangjewlery. You’ll love the inspiration that you receive from sharing and seeing each other’s great style combos.

More on how knowing your yin-yang combo blesses your life and style:

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