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How To Map Your Family’s Yin/Yang Combo. Get Ready for a Big Ah-Ha!

Create a home of harmony, where everyone feels honored, respected and loved.

Is your family weighted more Yin or Yang?

Mapping out your family’s Yin/Yang Energy Profiling combination will help you nurture your family in an honoring and supportive way. You’ll understand what makes your family different and how to encourage healthy relationships (even why your kids bug each other).

In Lifestyle, we talk a lot about our Yin/Yang combos. If you aren’t familiar with this concept yet, I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch these videos to get the basics:

So far, I’ve shared how this information helps you develop your personal style, create a great hairstyle, and foster an honoring and loving couple’s relationship, and many more. In this video, Anne and I take you through the process of mapping your whole family dynamic, and explain why this understanding is so eye-opening! I share how discovering this information helped me see why I needed to be more intentional in connecting with some of my children more than others (see my family picture at 11:08).

Before we get started, make sure you’ve got a pen and paper ready to make notes of the dominant and secondary energies in your family and to where they fall in the Yin/Yang Line-Up.

Your family will fall into one of these 3 Yin/Yang Energy Profile Combos:

Yin (2:35) In this family, Yin is dominant. More of the family members will exhibit Yin in their dominant and secondary energies. Learn why it’s important for the higher movement family members to support their Yang, and what you can do to foster communication and activity in the introvert Yin family.

Yang (7:29) In this family, Yang is dominant. More of the family members will exhibit Yang in their dominant and secondary energies. This extrovert family has a lot going on. What makes its environment different? Hear ways for the lower movement family members to find time to nurture their Yin.

Balanced (13:16) In this family, the Yin/Yang ratio is balanced. The Yin/Yang profile of the parents will be balanced with the children lining up in a similar manner. See why it’s beneficial to look for places and ways to bring and support more balance.

Do this exercise and share your family’s Yin/Yang line-up. Is it Yin, Yang, or Balanced? What ah-has did you have?

Resources to create more harmony in your home:

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