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8 Incredible Outfits, 1 Simple Blueprint. Episode #5

Need some help putting together new outfits—AND staying calm during the busy holiday season? Then get ready, because Anne shares her simple blueprint for creating incredible outfits, plus tips on reducing stress during the holidays!

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  1. As usual, it is all so beautiful on you, Anne! Thank you for all the shopping tips and tips for social occasions. I love all the extra little details you give in your videos.

  2. I really enjoy these 8 outfit videos. I used this info to pack for a two week trip to Scotland and it worked wonderfully. Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. I love love love your 8 item videos Anne! Like Andrea, I’m trying to plan a wardrobe for 2 weeks in Europe. I was able to find some similar items in my closet, and plan to fill in a few gaps with items from the DYT store. I still struggle with finding the right shoes for outfits. Everyone has their weakness and mine is definitely accessories! Watching the videos and focusing on making connections definitely helps.

  4. Oh man. I’m a T1/S2, but I watched this video and now I’m not sure if 2 is my secondary! I loved almost everything you picked, Anne, especially the scarf and the pants! Now I feel like I may have to go back to the drawing board with my primary and secondary. I will say, I still love the T1 colors more, and they do look better on me, but these T2 clothes are more my style.

  5. I’m a T3 and I’m so impressed with this video! (Hope it’s ok to add my T3 thoughts here..). Anne, the info you gave throughout was phenomenal! I was surprised by how many tips I find so helpful for myself, including why I need the scarf away from my neck, my “getting comfy routine when I get home”, and the outfits are great. I might have to screenshot the 2/3 one and recreate it in T3 colors. Thank you so much Anne!

    1. Glad to see you here Christine! Everyone is welcome in Type 2 land, of course. 🙂 I’m glad you found my tips helpful! Share a picture when you re-create the outfit.

  6. I am S2 so I enjoy watching this too. I like the skirt with the sweater and jacket the best but they were all good. I appreciate the formula too!

  7. I really love these 8 items vids. They are so helpful! I also like how you are including possibilities for our secondary energies. Thanks!

  8. Fabulous! These are great choices, Anne, and I really appreciate your tips along the way. Thank you for yet another great offering!

  9. I love the tip about finding a person to talk to. It reminds me of a back yard party I went to at my son’s friend’s house, where I only (sort of) knew the host family. I hung out awkwardly for the first half of the party, and then another couple who was hanging out awkwardly found me and we had a great conversation for the second half of the party.

    I didn’t catch where the leggings were from–are they available in the store? I’m on the hunt for leggings, as all I have is one grey pair and a navy pair that I’m wearing even though the style guides tell me they’re more T1 or T4 than T2.

      1. I may try them, but I’m a little skeptical about the one-size fits all. I’m usually size 4 in pants. Are they tight enough that they won’t be baggy, especially after being worn for a while?

        1. They keep their shape nicely. Anna K is a little smaller than me and she says this style fits her well. I’m a size 6 and they are nice and tight.

  10. Thank you for talking about secondaries! I’m trying to figure out my secondary, and I love seeing how the details make the difference.

  11. Anne you truely are a style guru! You have made such beautiful choices here. I am a type one but I love to watch your videos for a dose of soothing elegant type 2 vibrations!

  12. Anne, I have watched this multiple times and I keep coming back. I LOVE all your tips throughout and I love the formula you gave for creating the 8 outfits. I love all of these items and can’t wait to recreate them myself.

  13. I prefer to shop alone as well. When I shop with someone, I feel rushed. I feel like I can’t take the time to look at what I want. I don’t like to keep people waiting. Even if they say it is fine, I don’t want to inconvenience anyone.

  14. Loved this video Anne! I am still trying to decide on my secondary and loved your favorite combination as well. Perhaps that is a clue I might be a 3. I have the skirt but the jacket is out of stock and the weather is only available in M/L and I am afraid it will be too large. I am an 8/M. Do you ever restock items that are out of stock? It is such a beautiful combination! You are a wonderful Type 2 expert!

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