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My Top 23 Affirmations to Help You Let Go of Extra Weight

Do you still look in the mirror and tell yourself one of these statements?

“I’m too fat!”
“I’d look good only if my (thighs, butt, arms, tummy) were thinner.”
“I can’t feel good about how I look until I lose weight.”

What’s your version of the above? How long have you been telling yourself this?

It’s time to stop.

Your body’s God-given, natural design is to be fit and healthy. I have not always been fit and healthy! In fact, in high school I had an eating disorder that caused additional low self-confidence due to daily self-shaming.

This pattern followed me into adulthood. I spent too many years believing I was too fat, that my legs were too thick, and my body was not good enough.

I ended this about 10 years ago once and for all.

I know how to help you get the answers you’re looking for, because I have had to create those answers myself!

Change your self-talk.

One thing that helped me was to stop shaming myself on a regular basis and to start believing in myself and my body. I taught my mind to see myself differently, to send messages of love rather than shame, and believe in the fact that yes, I could be fit and healthy.

The following are some of my favorite affirmations that helped me turn this pattern around. Now you can use them to empower your body. These affirmations will open up your body’s ability to achieve the state of fitness and health with less effort.

To give even more power to these statements, tap on your solar plexus (between your breasts) while you repeat them in your thoughts or out loud.


23 Affirmations to Help You Let Go of Extra Weight


I am healthy and lean.

I give myself recognition beyond food.

I love myself, I love my body, and fat just disappears.

I look nice; I am active; I am enough; and I count.

I am my ideal weight.

I feel great in my clothes.

I enjoy exercising several times a week.

I can say “No.”

It is easy to find other things to do in the evening rather than eating.

I can let down my walls.

I am proud of my body; it did what I told it to do.

My body’s natural state is to be lean.

I am fulfilled.

Food is a resource I manage wisely.

My metabolism works great.

My body knows what to do with what I give it.

I am patient with my body as it learns new habits.

Others notice how great I look and feel.

My organs are relieved of overwork.

I am slim and trim.

My body responds to my thoughts.

I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually balanced and healthy.

I am whatever I think and feel I am.



Your body IS listening to you! What are you telling it? These affirmations will free it up to do the job God gave it to do. Start empowering your body right now and it will amaze you how strong and powerful it really is and how much more successful you will be in letting go of excess weight and gaining more health.

Share in a comment some of your favorite affirmations that are helping you love your body and to create a healthy, fit body.


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  1. Thank you so much for sharing these – these came through at the perfect time for me! I would like to share an affirmation that I came across online, “I feel safe in a slender, healthy body.” I come across this affirmation in the midst of reading, “Remembering Wholeness,” along with another book, had I found it at another time in my life I would probably have overlooked it. However, Remembering Wholeness and the other book were getting me ready to recognize that I have been using my extra weight to hide, to feel safe – even though I was/am very unhappy and uncomfortable being overweight. I now realize that I can be safe in a slender, healthy body. I can let go of my extra weight and be who I really am. I am adding these affirmations to my list that I say every morning and I know I will soon be at my natural weight and be the strong beautiful woman God created me to be. Thank you Carol!

    1. Thank you for sharing Kathryn, that is a beautiful affirmation to include. I see you succeeding.

  2. I have loved using affirmations to re-write the story in my emotional brain! 65 lbs just fell off with very little effort on my concious thinking brains part. Now I love going shopping and getting dressed! I don’t even remember what it used to be like. Fit and healthy is just who I am now! Some favorite affirmations I continue to use are:

    I have what I need.
    I know when I am full and easily stop eating.
    I enjoy nurishing my body with healthy, colorful, flavorful foods.
    I am able to take good care of my body.
    I decide what I put into my body, rather than being influenced by others.
    It feels so good to move around in this healthy fit body!

    As always, Carol, you are a gift to this world. Thank you. ❤ Taija Stagg

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