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8 Items, 8 Sensational Holiday Outfits. Episode #5

It’s the busy holiday season, and you’re looking to create some brand new outfits and make the most of the season! Kalista shows you how these classy outfits can allow you to experience more peace and joy. You’ll love her tips to help you recharge throughout all the hustle and bustle. Have a look:

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  1. I appreciate all of the tips and advice in this video. I thought I was just going to get fashion advice, but I got so much more!

  2. I love the outfits and the holiday tips! I especially like the idea of saying hello to everyone first at a party, and then finding a quiet spot. It will be a lot easier to stay calm and centered by interacting at my own pace.

  3. Thank you Kalista! You are a gem. Your social and wardrobe tips were excellent and so helpful. You look lovely in every outfit.

  4. I am a secondary 4 and I love the practical advice you offer and the design lines in your outfits. I just apply my Type 3 colours et voila! One of the things I love about DYT is that you get to shine as an individual and we are supported so well in the DYT community! Blessings for a wonderful Christmas season Kalista to you and your family.

  5. I also use the “make the rounds” strategy during social gatherings. I find that by busying myself with tasks, others aren’t offended by my silence.

    I also find that in social situations where I can’t be busy, it is comforting to wear less animation. It can be overwhelming with all the lights and tinsel. I will stick with classic black and white. It helps me to be more centered.

  6. Combine outfit inspiration with holiday survival advice… brilliant!. I very much enjoyed that, thank you Kalista!.

  7. I loooved the combination of fashion and lifestyle tips / life hacks / feel-better-advice! Please, please do this again!

  8. Great holiday survival tips. The years I plan ahead, stay organized, head out with a plan and shop with intention – and finish early and ahead of the chaos – I feel so much more peace. When I put things off, or let myself get down to the wire – I do just start buying a bunch of things just to get it over with and make sure I have what I need, knowing I’ll be re-entering the chaos to return half of it the day after Christmas. (All or nothing, maybe – perfectly organized or total chaos. Not so great at in between).

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