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Type 2 Anti-Aging Skincare Tips: How to Age Gracefully

Lifestyle tips and Expert advice to help you age with elegance

As a Type 2 woman, you have a naturally soft and relaxed complexion.

Your Type 2 skin has a gentle quality to its appearance. Everything is subtle and blended, even your fine lines. Your features naturally move downward, so you may notice more hooded eyelids and skin that seems to drape over the bone. Your pores are medium to medium-small in size.

With these strengths also come challenges. You tend to have puffiness under your eyes and sagging skin as you grow older. Just like your sensitive nature, your skin can also be sensitive to products, elements, and foods. As long as you care for its sensitivities, your Type 2 skin will age with natural elegance.

Anne showing her Type 2 skin
Type 2 Anne
Barby showing her Type 2 skin
Type 2 Barby

Tendencies to manage:

  • Sensitive skin
  • Under-eye darkness or puffiness
  • Sagging skin

When you work with your Type of skin, rather than against it, you have healthier, calmer skin.

How to work with your Type 2 skin and age gracefully:

  • 1. Use products that enhance your Type 2 qualities.
  • You want to honor your sensitive skin, so I recommend all of the Dressing Your Truth Anti-aging Skincare products because they will be gentle – yet very effective – on your skin.

    In fact, the Eye Corrector Serum will be your #1 go-to to reduce puffiness and dark circles. This serum hydrates, smooths, and rejuvenates the thinner skin around your eyes.

  • 2. Pamper yourself with a facial.
  • Once a month, I get a facial from an expert esthetician. I consider this a necessary step in my skincare routine that helps my skin remain healthy and vibrant.

    I highly recommend this for any woman—and as a Type 2 woman, this could be a soothing self-care day that supports you in getting quiet time away that you need. Your energy needs time to rejuvenate, so caring for your skin at the same time will support you all around.

  • 3. Add collagen to your daily supplement regimen.
  • Your body doesn’t naturally produce as much collagen as you age. As collagen diminishes, we lose volume in our skin and we begin to see a hollow, shallow appearance to our skin. This can contribute to your skin sagging as well.

    Collagen is necessary to retain the soft yet firm qualities of your skin. While there are fillers and injections for this, you don’t need them. I take these Collagen Peptides Powder every day and have noticed considerable difference in my skin health. Add one scoop to your coffee or morning smoothie and you won’t even taste it!

  • 4. Drink lots of water.
  • Most women do not drink enough water, and it shows in their skin through dehydration!

    Drinking plenty of water every day keeps your skin hydrated from the inside out. Fill a water bottle up in the morning and sip it throughout the day. Bring a glass of room temperature water to the table at every meal. Drink herbal tea in the evenings to support you in relaxing at the end of the day.

  • 5. Get plenty of rest.
  • As a Type 2 woman, your health and quality of life depends on moving at a slower, more calm way throughout the day. You have a tendency to compare yourself to others—but I encourage you to stop “shoulding” yourself! Our “yang” world often pushes you to perform more than is healthy for you. This is why you need plenty of time to rest and take care of your yin! Supporting yourself with adequate rest will allow your body to renew while you sleep so you’re ready for the upcoming day.

    Regardless of your Type, women who do not prioritize rest can burn themselves out, and this stress shows up in your face and lifestyle choices.

    This leads me to the final tip.

  • 6. Watch your behavior tendencies.
  • Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle choices as well.

    Type 2 women prematurely age themselves by processing too many feelings that cause them to worry and by not speaking up when it is appropriate. Using your voice to express how you are feeling allows the feelings to be expressed! Emotional energy can build up in the body. Ever wonder where that puffiness around your eyes comes from? It could be blocked energy from the tears that need to be cried.

    As a Type 2 woman, you may have been told to stop crying as a young child. But you have an emotional connection to the world, and you need to feel your feelings. Your body could be puffy or inflamed by years of unexpressed emotion you’ve been carrying around. I suggest you remove the phrase, “I’m sorry that I’m crying” from your vocabulary.

    Instead, try these:

    “I’m so touched by that!”
    “I’m upset about that.”

    In The Carol Tuttle Energy Healing Center, I created sessions to help you heal from childhood wounding, release blocked emotions, and find your voice again.

    Your Type 2 Expert Anne shares this moving story:

    “I have a tendency to pick my face. Due to my skin’s sensitive nature, picking only perpetuates the problem. I’ve realized I tend to pick my face more when I’m feeling nervous or upset. For example, recently I had an interaction that I thought was causing someone to be upset. Turns out everything was okay and I didn’t need to get down on myself. But that night I ended up closer to the mirror than was good for me, while those anxious feelings were still present. While I was picking my face the thought came, ‘You’re picking on yourself. You don’t need to do that anymore.’

    “Immediately I felt a shift and a desire to be kinder to myself emotionally and to treat my skin with more gentleness.

    To process anxious feelings I have found these 3 tactics work best for me:

    • 1. Write about your feelings. What is making you nervous or upset? Getting it out on paper will help bring clarity and calmness.
    • 2. Give yourself time and grace to process your feelings and let things settle. Time to think, feel, and gain understanding will help your feelings settle.
    • 3. Assume the best – in yourself and others. As Type 2’s, we have a tendency to assume someone feels a certain way, when in reality that’s not the case at all. Such was the case with my experience. I was worried over nothing. If the time hasn’t shifted your emotions, then bring it up and talk about it with the person to get the resolve and reassurance you need.”

    Share in a comment how you’re going to honor your Type 2 nature and support yourself in aging elegantly.

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