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Opposing Energy Types? Here’s How to Find Balance: Lifestyle Coaching Call

Do you live with someone of your opposite energy? What are the challenges and benefits?

Let’s take a look at how you can create a harmonious balance when dealing with opposing Energy Types.

Maybe you’re in a partnership with someone with opposing energy, or you’re parenting them. Or maybe you even live with these energies in yourself as your dominant and secondary!

First of all, here’s which Energy Types are opposing:

  • Type 1 and Type 4
  • Type 2 and Type 3

In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, our DYT Experts Type 1/4 Jaleah, Type 2/3 Anne, Type 3/2 Sarah, and Type 4/1 Kalista joined me live to answer your questions and give insight. Not only do they have opposing dominant and secondary Energy Types, but they are also married to men of their secondary Type. I know that you’ll benefit from their stories and experiences.

(They’ve each shared their thoughts on what it’s like to live with opposing Energy Types in these videos)

(6:08) But first, let’s hear a success story of how Laura shared DYT with her friends, and (7:14) two of our most recent #TruthBomb participants (this time I profiled children). I’ll show you what I see to help refine your Face Profiling skills. (To learn more watch this special coaching call)

Now, let’s see what our Experts had to share-

  • (19:35) Type 1/4 Jaleah & Type 4/1 Kalista.
  • (41:05) Type 2/3 Anne & Type 3/2 Sarah.

Some of the questions we answered are:

  • (14:30) Is it harder to communicate with similar Types or opposites Types?
  • (15:37) I’m a Type 1 and I have a history of being overpowered by Type 3’s. This has played out in work relationships and in romantic partnerships… What are some ways a Type 1 can stand their own with Type 3’s?
  • (32:12) I am a Type 4 mother of a Type 2 little man. My son always wants to have physical contact and is always trying to connect via conversation. I desperately love silence and physical space and I can’t seem to provide him enough of what he needs. I run out of resources before he gets his full and I wonder what I can do to meet both of our needs.
  • (1:00:29) My husband is a 2/4 and I am a 3/4.  Our different T2 vs T3 approaches can cause friction. He needs time to think about all the details and go methodically. I need to get going and get to the result quickly and efficiently. How do we honor each other’s strengths, without giving up what WE personally need to feel honored?

Do you have opposing dominant and secondary Energy Types, or do you live with someone of an opposing Energy Type? What’s that like? Share in a comment.

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