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Covering Your Grey Hair At Home Is Easy, Quick, and Affordable with Hairline Powder

Also, a simple solution for filling in a thinning hairline and bald spots

Between hairstyle appointments and you want to cover your grey roots? What about thinning along your hairline? This simple resource is an easy and affordable quick fix for both that you can do right at home!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to touch up your gray roots at home in between your salon appointments? Or maybe you already do, but you dislike how messy and time-consuming this is. Well, you’ll be excited to hear about my new product: the Hairline Powder. Watch this video and see how I easily, quickly, and effectively cover up my gray roots right on camera (2:54).

Frequent trips to the salon can be expensive, messy, and time-consuming. This hairline powder is not; it’s low-cost, easy to use, and quick to apply! It saves you time and money by extending the time between coloring appointments. It covers those greys and gives the appearance of fuller, thicker hair in less than a minute.

(1:48) With 4 colors to choose from you can intuitively select the correct color for your hair.

(2:22) Easy application can be made with the included puff or a large eyeshadow brush. Find a grey patch and dab it on the powder for WOW results! (5:20) This hair line powder stays put until your next shampoo.

This product changes everything! I know you’ll love it just as much as I do.

Shop Hairline Powder in the Dressing Your Truth Store

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