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How Each Type Over-Does the Holidays and How to Change That!

3 strategies to stop stress from hijacking your Holidays!

Would you like to enjoy the holidays, rather than feel exhausted when they’re over?

Imagine a holiday season that was joyful, fun, peaceful, and even regenerative and exhilarating. Yes, it is possible. The key is not overdoing it. Each Type has natural gifts, but if left unchecked that gift can cause stressors for you that drain joy.

How do you not overdo the holidays?

I’m calling out the #1 tendency for each Type that causes stress and takes away from your enjoyment. I’ll give you three strategies to prevent stress from taking over. Watch the video for your Type (or all four Types for extra tips) so that you can say, “This was the best holiday season yet!”

Type 1 “Over-Committed”

Do you love the lights, gifts, and festivities? But do you sometimes feel you pay too high a price with your emotional and physical health this time of year?

Let’s talk about what will help you LOVE your holiday season and what to keep in check so you don’t over-commit.

1. (2:08) Pick one word.

This represents what you want to experience this holiday season. When new opportunities arise and activities arise ask yourself,

“Does this bring me _______________?”

If the answer isn’t “yes”, then it’s a “no” from you!

2. (4:18) You can do some (not all).

Have a family meeting and brainstorm all the things you could do as a family this year.

Now identify the top 10 things that are most important and bring you and your family the most enjoyment. These are the activities that you get to take part in and enjoy!

3. (5:58) Use all your hacks.

Pull out all your tips and tricks for keeping it easy, fun, and light. For gift-giving, make it okay to put a sticky bow on the grocery bag! Stay away from the Instagrammers that make the Holidays look big, fancy, and a lot! You tend to compare yourself, and that’s no good.

What ideas do you have?  I look forward to you sharing them in the Lifestyle Facebook group

Type 2 – “Tired”

What do you love about the holiday season? Have you taken inventory lately to see what you truly love and what you are doing that you just inherited? Let’s clean up your list and write a new plan this year for the holidays.

1.(2:48) Make a list.

Make two columns, one side for what you love, and the other for what you are doing that you don’t love.

Here is a self-inventory process to help you create a new plan for yourself.

From the Love list, finish the sentence,

“I love ________ because…..”

From the Don’t-Love list, ask the question,

“I am still doing ________because…….”

What feelings come up for you?

2. (5:52) Create a plan, with dates.

Present your plan to your family and ask them to help fine-tune it.

3. (6:30) Stick to the plan.

If you are stressed, you get tired.  When you get tired and cannot take breaks, you get sick.  Make sure to add breaks, rests, and recouping times to your plan.

I am excited for you to share your insights and plans in the Lifestyle Facebook group.  Let’s help all the soft, subtle women have their best holiday season yet.

Type 3 – “Burn-Out!”

You think you can do it all, and often you can.  More than any other Type, Type 3’s can get away with burning the candle on both ends for short periods of time.

But, you will pay a price and at some point, you will burn out and want nothing to do with the festive side of the holidays. Believe me, I am speaking from experience!

I am sure you have your to-do list.  Pull it out and do this:

1. (2:53) Take 10-30% off the list! 

Slim it down, do less, enjoy more,

2. (3:40) Know what you value (drop the rest).

What do you value most? Remember, your family members will take with them how they felt at the holidays more than what they did or received. Your mood is key.  If you are rushed, busy, or overdoing it, your entire family pays a price.

3. (4:38) Stay healthy. 

Freezer meals, healthy snacks, keep working out… You know what you need, keep it up.

(Watch the Type 1 video – there are some great ideas for you there as well.)

I am excited for you to share how you are slimming down your holiday to-do list in the Lifestyle Facebook group.  

Type 4 – “All or Nothing”

You either love the holidays or can’t wait until they are over!  You will do your due diligence during this time of year, but it may not be your thing.

Here’s what can help.

1.  Know what you LOVE.

Make a list titled “I Love ALL of the Following during the holidays.”  

2. Know what you don’t like.

Make a list titled “I really don’t like this about the holidays.”  

3. Create balance.

Now that you’ve identified your “all or nothing” what can you do to make sure you include what you love, and exclude what you don’t like?

If there are some “must-dos” on the don’t like list, how can you tweak them to work for your Type 4 nature? Get creative, I am sure you can figure out a way to make the few that you don’t like work for you. 

I look forward to reading in the Lifestyle Facebook group your insights on how this video helped you!

More insight for a happy Holiday season:

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