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Eyebrow Coloring 101

An often overlooked---but essential---makeup step.

They say that your eyes are the windows to your soul, and we agree! And well-defined eyebrows are the perfect frame for those beautiful windows.

Anne and Anna K demonstrate how to accentuate your eyebrows for a natural and finished look. Once you see how simple it really is you will feel at ease and comfortable in bringing out the natural shape and beauty of your eyebrows. You’ll see why we love this brow powder and how to get a perfect match, and why this two-in-one brush is the only one you need.

Eyebrows – Quick, Easy, and Natural:

  • (3:22) Where to start and where to end to create a natural shape.
  • (5:00) Why you should start with the powder here.
  • (7:05) Anna K’s trick for easy cleanup and finish.
  • (8:36) This product is like hairspray for your brows and will keep your color in place all day.

Easily find the eyebrow powder that’s correct for you.

Shop DYT Brow Products

More tips for beautiful brows:

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  1. Thanks, Anna! I have a question about following brow shape. I’m a type 2/3 with typical T2 softened blended features, but my eyebrows arch upward at the side of my face (which is why trying to type someone by one feature alone, as Carol discusses elsewhere, doesn’t work) I’ve tried pulling the shape downward at the side, but on close inspection, that looks unnatural. I’d rather not pluck or wax and then draw in a downward shape – I guess it feels dishonoring, if that makes sense. This is the way I’m made. Anna do you or another member of the DYT team have a suggestion?

    1. Thank you for this question, Carol. Definitely do what supports you best, and if that is leaving your brows to their natural shape, that is perfect for you!

    2. Hi Carol, We have an eyebrow shaping video that is coming out soon. That should help answer your question.

    1. Hi Emma, when you go to the DYTâ„  online store, select any brow color and below the description is a link saying “Click here to find your perfect eyebrow color.” That will take you to it!

  2. I am a 3/2 with really dark eyebrows/lashes, (BLACK). I am am not sold on colouring them with brown, because it really looks off.

    I have not purchased the black/brown from the DYT store because I don’t really want purchase a product that I may not use.

    Would you still advise on not using black even if my eyebrows are black? I just don’t want to buy the darkest shade and be disappointed with the look.

    Thanks for any input.

    1. I’m in the same boat—like, I could’ve written this post. Did you ever get any feedback or figure things out, Rina?

  3. Always fun watching your videos. My eyebrows now ( age 62 ) are quite sparse and grey. I used to have them tinted but at this point the hairs that do exist are coarse and don’t hold the color well. I currently use an eyebrow pencil. Do you still recommend eyebrow powder even though the hair is thin? Thanks

  4. What color eyebrow powder would you choose if you’re a brunette who is turning gray? My hair used to be a very dark brown which was frequently mistaken for black, and my eyebrows are still mostly dark brown. However, my silver gray has come in as bold streaks next to my face. I’m Type 4/1, so it gives me a bold pop of color that I like, but I don’t want my eyebrows to look “off”.

  5. Thanks for getting back to me, Rina! That’s good to know. I’ll keep your experience in mind as I experiment 🙂

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