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Layering Your Clothes With True-To-Type Style

Adding layers without adding too much!

Fall weather brings warm layers. Do you know how to layer up without losing your true-to-type style?

Watch the video for your Type of beauty as your DYT Expert gives you the tips and tricks for layering shirts and sweaters, vests and jackets, and a few surprises you might not have thought of.

Type 1 Layering Your Clothes and Keeping it Light

  • See Jaleah demonstrate how to get the cute look of layers without bulkiness. Keep it light and airy, true to you!

Type 2 Layering Your Clothes and Staying Cozy

  • Anne demonstrates the flexibility layering offers. Get the detailed look of multiple layers of clothes without sacrificing comfort!

Type 3 Layering Your Clothes to Stay Textured

  • Watch Sarah demonstrate how to add layers to create more substance and texture. Plus, find out how to achieve more diversity in your look by adding length to your layers!

Type 4 Layering Your Clothes for a Practically Perfect Look

  • Kalista demonstrates how to use layers to add interest to your outfit. Find out how to keep it simple while creating a unique look, true to you.

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  1. Hi Jaleah! :)) First of all, this video is super helpful for new ways to wear T1 clothes and I had fun trying new combinations and outfits!
    I’m the girl wearing long sleeves in the summer, so I get super chilly in the cooler months. I’m finding that the T1 clothes don’t keep me feeling warm enough and I end up wearing more T4 (my secondary) and T2 sweaters to stay warm, but this is bringing me down. Will the DYT store be coming out with heavier/thicker items for the colder months ahead? I ordered a bunch of DYT store sweaters and even with long sleeves layered underneath, like you show here, I’m just not feeling very warm. But I LOVE the sweaters I ordered and I want to find a way to make them work. Suggestions? Thanks so much for your help, excited to hear your ideas! xoxo

  2. How did I miss this video?!? Wow. I actually have a great green button up shirt with white polka-dots and an open weave sweater, and I never would have thought to put them together!! DYT sure does open up a whole new area of outfit options. Thanks!!

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