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Tips to Support Volume in Your Curly Hair

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  1. Oh my gosh her curls are to die for! <3 fabulous tutorial again Nicole! If I ever grow out my short hair again I will try all your tips for sure 🙂

    1. A variety of pin curls, yes. I was taught pin curls were clipped flat to the scalp with bobby pins, but I’ve seen this kind of approach, too 🙂

  2. Excellent presentation Nicole! I have done the curly hair method presented by Anne and it worked okay but your method using the exact same DYT products listed produced amazing results. This is the first time I got my hair looking great all around. Thanks again for another helpful tutoring session.

  3. Prior to DYT I had perpetually straight hair! This video was so helpful, NIcole. I have been dressing T1, but just exchanged my cards for T2; I am suspecting I am a 2/1.

    1. Your cut and the curl look beautiful on you, Kim. I’ve been trying to figure out whether there is the slightest chance of wave in my own straight/long hair, but you inspire me to search for the curl! Thanks for posting the photo : )

  4. Gorgeous! I love the trick of clipping the alligator clips to the root upwards, not flat to the scalp. 🙂 However, I am very, VERY glad I have pretty much wash-n-go waves; I use a little curl cream and air dry in the morning, then touch 4-6 sections with a curling iron before I leave; I would have no patience for that many products and steps!

  5. Oh, man, I couldn’t help but cringe as she was putting in the root boost and separating the sections, which ruined the natural clumps of the curl and separated the hair into more stringy pieces. That’s kind-of one of the no-no’s of curly hair styling…you don’t want to ruin the clumps. I’m waiting to see if she re-wets those front sections to get the clumps to come back.

  6. My curl is tighter that my fellow Type 1 here, but the technique is good. She looks adorable. My curl pattern is 3a.

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