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3 Tips to Spring Clean Your Type 3 Closet — The Fast Way

Ever go into your closet and feel totally overwhelmed by the clutter and mess?

Maybe you’re looking for that one shirt but it’s nowhere and you tore your closet apart looking for it.

Then you might get frustrated and think “I need to clean this closet up. Half this stuff I don’t even like anyway, but I totally don’t have time to devote to a closet overhaul!”

Well, I’m here for you!

Here are 3 tips to make your closet cleaning less overwhelming—and fast:

1. Compartmentalize.

As a Type 3, you love to compartmentalize your thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, and even your physical space. When it comes to cleaning out that closet try compartmentalizing by tackling it by category.

For example, start with doing just tops.

Look at all the tops you have and assess the colors, sleeve lengths, patterns, etc. I recently did this and found out I owned four yellow, short sleeve t-shirts. Who needs four yellow t-shirts?! So I chose my favorite and tossed the rest.

You could do tops one night for an hour and then the next night work on skirts, for example. It doesn’t have to be done all at once and you’ll feel results faster with each category you complete along the way, which I know you love!

2. Be Practical.

This is your gift, but sometimes it can get in your way. Let me explain: It’s probably easy for you to see that if you aren’t wearing it, it’s just taking up precious closet space.

“I spent a lot of money on this stuff and I have to get my money’s worth out of it!”

You could hold a yard sale or sell the items to a consignment store. However, don’t get caught up too much in trying to get your money back. That just isn’t going to happen.

I don’t bother with consignment or yard sales, but I do love giving my unwanted items to someone I know will appreciate them.

Another way to get your money’s worth

In a way, I feel like I’m getting my money’s worth by making an item that was useless to me, useful to someone else I care about. I love seeing my nieces wearing that old sweater or my neighbor wearing one of the necklaces I gave her. (Don’t forget to organize your accessories!)

Focus your practical nature on the great feeling that comes because you opened up that space in your closet to make room for more amazing things you love.

Plus you helped someone out!

3. Make it quick!

…Another one of your gifts! But you might write off cleaning your closet because you’re thinking, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

So how do you get that closet cleaned swiftly?

Yes, No, and Maybe piles

Choose a category and get everything in that category out. Then go through it quickly and put it into one of three piles: Yes, No, and Maybe. Having a Maybe pile helps you go fast, so you don’t have to decide right then if you aren’t sure if you want to keep it or not.

Once you’ve finished going through that category in its entirety, put the No’s in a bag. Then review your Maybe pile, using the questions I include below.

Your Maybe pile will be gone in no time!

I recently went through my jewelry like this. I was amazed at how fast it went! If you’re still worried about it taking too long, try setting a timer. Give yourself the allotted time and make it a competition for yourself to see if you can get it done in that time frame.

I’ve done this and loved seeing all I can do in a short amount of time because I’m racing against the clock.

Going through your Maybe pile? Ask yourself 5 quick questions:

1. Does it fit?

Sometimes we hold on to things hoping we will lose that extra weight.

You might be trying to convince yourself that you will fit into them “someday.” You might say, “I keep it around to motivate me.” Is it really motivating your or just discouraging you?

How long have you been holding on to that item? Don’t hold on to things out of guilt, hoping they’ll motivate you to lose weight. Toss it and embrace your body where it’s at.

Loving your body where it’s at is greater motivation than a size-too-small dress hanging in your closet.

2. Have I worn this in the last 6 months?

If your answer to this is “no” or even “I can’t remember,” then odds are you won’t wear it in the near future.

Items like this just take up space and aren’t worth the clutter. I like the 6 month time frame because that’s how often I asses my wardrobe (every spring and every fall).

As the weather changes into spring and summer, I can assess what I wore over the last fall and winter and if I didn’t wear it during that season chances are I won’t the following year.

3. Is this true to my Type of beauty?

Not totally sure? Take out that handy dandy style guide and review your 5 elements.

tip I give my clients is that it should have at least three of the five elements spot on and true to your Type of beauty (color always being one of those 3).

If the item isn’t true to your Energy Type, ask yourself why you’re still holding on to it? What do you like about it? Is it the fit, the style, the comfort? Take note of what you love about the item and let that help you when replacing those items.

4. Is there something about this item I need to fix/refashion/change before I can wear it?

Be honest with yourself, are you going to spend the time sewing that seam, replacing that button, or dye it to make it true to your Type of beauty?

Will doing so add joy to your life? If the answer is yes, then make it happen! Get the tools you need and do it this weekend! If you aren’t feeling pumped about fixing those items, then toss them and don’t feel guilty about it!

5. Do I feel confident when I wear this?

This question is your ultimate guide!

Trust your beauty sixth-sense in order to know what’s right for you. It’s important you feel comfortable and confident in your clothes.

Sometimes there’s an item that used to be a Yes to this question but now, it’s a No. Maybe it’s worn out, balled up, has a stain, or isn’t current anymore. Right now I can think of a few items in my closet that don’t pass the confidence test. I think I’m going to get rid of tonight!

Now that you have the info you need, you’re ready to tackle that closet clean-out and get it done fast!

Practice these tips and ask yourself these questions and to just go for it!

Post your comments below and include what tips you liked from this post and any other ideas that you have found helpful in cleaning out your closet.



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  1. I am pear shaped and short waisted. All my life I have purchased clothing that fit. I may not have loved it, but it fit. So, I bought it, and its friends that were the same style. I have 5 pairs of black pants and 3 pairs of gray. Same with shoes. I wear a narrow width and it is hard to find cute narrow shoes. I think I have 7 pairs of black shoes, because narrow shoes usually come in black, and they match my black pants! Honesty, I always loved the type three styles. Before I knew about the “type 3” label I loved it. Problem was, I thought I was too old to pull it off! I am looking forward to building a “hot” sassy wardrobe. I am not gonna lie, purging all my comfort clothes is a bit scary, but I will take a deep breath and do it! And my type 3 is still trying to figure out how to get $$ out of this!

  2. I just did the KonMari method (Does this spark joy?) in my closet. I was a little scared but released that fear and jumped in. Boy was that awesome! I do have a few items to adjust (sewing/dying/mending) to see if that will spark anything. I LOVE walking into my closet! Plus now I am clear about what I’m lacking in my wardrobe = no guilt in purchasing those items 🙂 Thank you!

  3. This is helpful! Now that I have all four style guides and more experience under my belt, I need to go back in and keep passing on what doesn’t work for me. Also, the tip about giving things away vs. selling is interesting. The practical side of me wants to recoup the money I spent, but giving things away is practical and rewarding! Hmm…

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