Afraid You’ll Stand Out When You Dress Your Truth?

There you are, a beautiful woman, inside and out. You’re ready to make a change in your life and embrace Dressing Your Truth. But you have one major fear holding you back:

“I’m afraid to stand out!”

The fashion world is oftentimes associated with vanity and superficial beauty, so understandably you have the concern that others may judge you when you put time and energy into your appearance.

Do any of these fears sound familiar?

  • If I start dressing my truth, people will think I want to look better than other women!
  • I don’t want others to think I’m better than they are.
  • People will think I’m needy and seeking attention!
  • It’s vain to put time and energy into my look.

Not wanting to draw attention to yourself because of these fears is a reasonable concern! But I’m confident you’re not considering dressing your truth for any of these reasons.

You have something much deeper in your heart.

Most likely the fear of standing out is rooted in old stories and events in your life that didn’t go so well for you. But that was then, this is now. You’re older, wiser, and mature enough to navigate the changes you’re making so they draw positive and honoring attention to you.

Consider the possibility that God designed you to make the most of yourself. You were created to develop your gifts, talents, and your true nature—in both inner qualities and bodily appearance.

You have the ability and permission to be develop the best expression of you.

As you’ve seen in hundreds of real before and afters, when a woman dresses her truth, her natural beauty comes forward and you see her authentic spirit and expression.

You naturally want to celebrate her change, rather than judge it. Every before and after you experience in this manner is your before and after—you’re showing yourself that others see and experience the changes you’re making as positive.

Yes, you will stand out!

Just like in all four of these before and after’s, each of these women stand out! But for all the RIGHT reasons!

Susanne, Type 1

Shandra, Type 2

Kristen, Type 3

Lyn, Type 4

Standing out is taking a stand.

There’s a lie being told to you. A lie that makes you believe that your body and appearance are flawed. It’s called shame-based beauty. It keeps you living below your full potential. It makes you hide who you are and not live true to yourself.

Standing out for the right reasons is taking a stand for all women in the world to love and appreciate their body and appearance.

When you embrace your Type of beauty, you’ll stand out as yourself. People will recognize the real you. The bright, elegant, dynamic, or bold items you put on your body don’t draw attention to themselves, they draw attention to the true woman you are.

Share your before and after in a comment and let us celebrate your true beauty standing out!


Start Dressing Your Truth Today


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  1. I absolutely love this!

    As a 4/3 19 year old, I’ve struggled with fully embrace dressing my truth around my friends. I live in a super conservative community….all my friends are no/ little makeup, and clothing is a barely given a second thought. I love dressing my truth, and I don’t want to make any apologies for who I am!
    I think this fear comes from a place that I developed all throughout my childhood. In the church community, all growing up I feel like inward beauty was shoved down my throat, and that outward appearance should NOT matter. True to my nature, I took everything that was taught me seriously, to the max! I resolved all throughout my teen years to not care about my appearance….T shirts and jeans were my uniform, and I stubbornly clung to the idea that wearing makeup was vain.
    By denying all these things, I developed a lot of random insecurities that I didn’t realize existed until later. I weighed more than I thought was healthy (I was perfectly fine), and I obsessed over my very long hair. Looking back, I see that I actually thought my beauty came from my hair! One night, the Lord instructed me to cut it all off, as a testament and resolve to wanting to change from my self-focused ways. So I did….

    The results of cutting off my hair was a freedom to redefine what I thought of myself, including realizing that my beauty didn’t come from any particular part of me, other than inside of me! I started wearing makeup. I discovered DYT. I stopped trying to lose weight (I had been trying for about a year or two, with no success)….a year after that, I lost 10 or 15 pounds, unexplainably. I see now how DYT is truly a process of discovering how your outward beauty is a reflection of who you are on the inside, and a confirmation of your true nature every day. I really like how DYT has given me the confidence to appreciate other women’s beauty, without any feeling of jealousy or competition. My new favorite thing is complimenting others!

    1. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!! I’m grateful DYT has been a part of your journey to greater self-love.

    2. I identify with that as well. I am t4/3 as well. I didn’t start dressing my truth because I thought I looked horrible, In fact I thought I looked exactly how I was supposed to! I finally started questioning why I felt I needed to dress how I perceived everyone else wanted me to dress and why not dress in a way that makes me feel my best absolutel self!

  2. For me, it was easier for me to hide. I think my natural T2 nature of being subtle and blended helped me hide. I was afraid to be beautiful. Some of it was drawing attention from people, which as a T2, I didn’t feel comfortable with. I think now, that the reason I was uncomfortable with standing on my own was that I had poor personal boundaries. I have better, healthy boundaries now and I know I have more confidence when relating with other people, I know how to hold my own energy as a 2/1. I want to show up in my life, I feel like I’ve been hiding in the sidelines of my life for way too long.
    These have been my personal affirmations, that I’ve been repeating to myself many times during the day, ‘It’s safe to be seen. It’s okay to be beautiful. It’s safe to be beautiful.’
    I see the women here dressing their truth so beautifully and it gives me so much courage. I know as I let my light shine, I give permission for others to do the same. I’m so much more peaceful with who I am now, and I’m glad I could let go of many body insecurities I’ve had in the past.

  3. I actually have a question to that. I tend to like not standing out sometimes for I think different reasons and I would like your opinion on that. First of all, when I am speaking about an academic topic, I would not like to distract people with my clothing. I personally am sometimes distracted by that fancy necklace someone is wearing or woah what is that even for a colour etc. and I don’t want that to happen to me. Secondly: I sometimes really do not want people to comment on my clothing because I have different things in mind and I again don’t really like the distraction.
    You are talking about clothing that stabds out. But sometimes, I really want to just my voice and my ideas to stand out and not what I wear.

    1. Thanks for your question. When your Dressing Your Truth you stand out, not what you are wearing. You just learn the level of dress that is appropriate for any situation, which we teach, but I guarantee, the woman stands out and she is instantly more credible. Have you seen all our makeovers that give evidence to this?

      1. I have seen most of them I think. I am a 4/1 and I when I dress more like suggested in the videos, I immedately get questions like “Do you have some sort of formal meeting later?” or “Why did you dress up like that?” or when I wear my super pink skirt I got something about being the only colour in that room (it was a room with about 100 people). So it’s really not like people say I look good in it but more that they notice that the clothing is much.

        1. Hmmm, it’s possible your running a hidden belief and a fear that you’re standing out for the wrong reasons, like I mention in the article. Claim this new belief- I’m noticed for who I am and my gifts and talents. All my clotves do is support me in attracting positive feedback about my SELF!

          1. I know, I just love my hot pink skirt :D. Maybe I was really just orienting myself too much on the dressier versions of type 4 that didn’t really fit in my environment.

          2. I understand that last statement, Julia. I loved almost all the clothes I bought in the first several months of dressing as a type 4, but then realized I felt I was standing out too much among my friends, or that I wasn’t actually wearing some of the clothes. I had bought many items that just didn’t fit with the environment and activities of a now retired woman. I am still drawn to the beautiful type 4 “dressier” clothes when I shop, and they are usually easier to find than the more casual items. But now I make a habit of pausing to ask when and where will I wear it before I buy. Simple, more casual outfits are mostly what I need for my lifestyle, and I find I am loving type 4 dressing. And my hot pink tops are among my favourite …. A colour I never would have worn pre-DYT!

  4. When reading “Discover Your Type of Beauty” I actually had a physical fear response the closer I got to the chapters about the 4 types of beauty. So I took a walk and tapped on “why” I would experience fear reading a book. The answer came to me that because I had a childhood where my true energy type was punished, belittled, shamed, and shunned. I was lead to believe that I was always wrong in everything I felt, thought, or believed. I was afraid to let people see the real me. So that is why I was having such difficulty dressing my truth. Because dressing my truth made me feal uncomfortable. So in tapping I changed my thoughts to, “I can try out what I think I might be, and see if I get hurt again.” I was pleasantly surprised that everyone accepted me, complimented me and thought I looked cute! With this under my belt, I have been empowered to experiment more with showing my real self to the world. I am 55 years old, I think I am a 1,2 I love the bright cheerful colors, but feel best in flowing soft fabric. Thank you for DYT.

  5. Seven years ago, I was living very still, hiding as a Type 2. I discovered with DYT that my movement was much higher, identifying with Type 3. Last year, I came to an aha about my true movement and acceptance of my Type 1 nature.

    Recently, I discovered my secondary movement is Type 3. This is awesome for me and even my health. Such high energy! I have several autoimmune conditions which are responding well as I dress and live according to my truth. I am not as tired or “down”! I am not fighting but living!!

    I just cut and bleached (!) my hair this weekend. Then I came home and shaved my sides by myself. Ha ha! So fun!! I will do another bleach application to bring the color up just a bit more (too orange). Thank you Carol and the team!

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